The surprise wasn’t Governor McCrory’s Cabinet Secretaries ripping into the liberals over at the Southern Environmental Law Center, calling them ‘do-gooders sitting in ivory towers in air-conditioned offices in Chapel Hill sipping lattes’;— the surprise was the cost of the two bridges the Governor’s camp and the environmentalists were battling over. The Governor’s folks…
Read MoreGovernor McCrory is in a box on teacher pay, and Democrats can’t let him wriggle out. You don’t need to be a political genius to predict what’s coming. McCrory will try to make a big splash by proposing a pay raise for teachers this year. He has to. He and the Republican legislature have…
Read MoreThom Tillis’ campaign paid too much attention to what he said and not enough to what you see in his new TV ad. It’s a perfect set-up for his opponents, whether Republicans or Kay Hagan. Tillis looks and sounds like the Mitt Romney that people hated in 2012: a wealthy corporate boardroom guy surrounded…
Read MoreA “record-high 42 percent of Americans identify as Independents: Republican identification lowest in at least 25 years,” Gallup breathlessly tells us. But those numbers may obscure the truth about politics today. It’s not that four in 10 Americans swing bath and forth between the two parties – carefully studying the issues, judiciously judging the…
Read MoreDon’t underestimate a candidate who already won 12 million Americans’ votes on TV. Clay Aiken may be a surprising candidate for Congress, but he may be just what Democrats need: a new face and fresh blood that energizes new voters, especially young voters. The social-media response to his possible candidacy in the 2nd…
Read MoreLike a lot of politicians, Governor McCrory wants to blame somebody else for all things bad and claim credit for all things good. Yesterday, he set a land speed record by doing both within a matter of minutes. First, speaking to a business group, he claimed credit for North Carolina’s unemployment rate dropping 2…
Read MoreYears ago a doctor asked my mother her definition of happiness and without batting an eye she said: Love and money. When it came to fundamentals mother got right down to brass tacks. A while back up in Washington a piece of the federal government – theNational Academy of Sciences – decided Congress needed to…
Read MoreMillions of dollars will be spent and billions of words spilled, but only one thing will decide this election: Will voters be madder at President Obama or at Republicans in the legislature? On today’s market, the outlook for Democrats is as chilling as a New Year’s Day Polar Bear Plunge. For two months, the…
Read MoreWhen I saw the headline I thought it must be a hoax but it turned out to be true: Congress, which hasn’t passed a budget in memory, had held a dead-serious, high-level, official hearing to establish whether there is extra-terrestrial intelligence in the universe. As one wit quipped on the Washington Post’s website, First, they…
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State Representative Joe John, who died today, looked something like a friendly but fierce bulldog. He…
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