For years they’ve been the best of buddies. Soul mates. Like peas and carrots. But, now, they’ve had a falling out…followed by blows being struck. Reaching into the treasury in Washington and pulling out a wad of other people’s money to give to your friends is as old an American tradition as apple pie. …
Read MoreA lot of Democrats are “Ready for Hillary,” but is she? The doubts erupted after talked – and talked again – about whether she and Bill really are rich. The Washington Post headlined: “Some Democrats fear Clinton’s wealth and ‘imperial image’ could be damaging in 2016.” It quoted “multiple Obama campaign advisers” saying…
Read MoreEach year hospitals pay the state $135 million which, through some mysterious alchemy, morphs into the federal government paying the state a second $135 million (to care for Medicaid patients). Trying to decipher the magic a newspaper described a circular flow of money that seems to work like this: 1) The hospitals pay the state…
Read MoreThe prevailing Democratic view of Governor McCrory is summed up by this bumper sticker a friend saw: My child is an honor student. My Governor is a moron. But Governor McCrory has a chance to mount his own “Carolina Comeback” in the next few weeks. He could stand up to the legislature…
Read MoreThe Old Bull Mooses in the State Senate had seen enough so they went on a rampage to repair Medicaid and, before they were done, they’d gored hospitals, doctors, the Governor and just about everyone in sight except the people who’d written the budget that made them mad in the first place. Surveying the…
Read MoreIt turns out there’s a three member state commission (named the ‘Board of Review’) – where each Board member is paid $120,000 – for working part-time. Of course, three appointments of that magnitude had to be a temptation to any keen-eyed politician – so, as might be expected, a month ago a committee of…
Read MoreGreat glee erupted among Democrats over Eric Cantor’s defeat – and also over the embarrassment to his pollster, who had predicted a landslide Cantor win. Cantor’s pollster is John McLaughlin of New York, a Republican with whom I’ve worked on non-partisan projects. Full disclosure: I like John personally, and I greatly respect him professionally. …
Read MoreKay Hagan didn’t put it quite this bluntly but, basically, what she said was Thom Tillis is a Neanderthal. Now, no one, except for State Senators, believes being called a relic of the Stone Age is a compliment so, understandably unhappy, Tillis blasted Hagan right back saying the environmental regulations she supports (to end…
Read MoreThe most startling news of the day came at the very end of Rob Christensen’s column: “Full disclosure. Last year, I signed a contract as co-producer with a major Hollywood producer for a movie that may be made in North Carolina….” Zounds! Stop the presses! This is a bombshell. And inquiring minds demand to…
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