Democrats in Washington are squabbling about torture, a $1.1 trillion budget bill and regulations on Wall Street and big banks. Democrats in North Carolina are squabbling about – I kid you not – Charles Brantley Aycock. Specifically, the squabble is in part over whether the wife of a descendant of North Carolina’s governor from…
Read MoreA little known prairie lawyer got up and gave a speech at the Democratic Convention in 1896 and the next day was nominated for President. Last weekend, a conservative posted a link to this speech on Twitter with a one word comment: Wow. It’s Elizabeth Warren’s talking about Citigroup and it’s as close…
Read MoreThe months right after an election are, as James Carville once said, “when you stop screwing your enemies and start screwing your friends.” That’s true of winners and losers. The winners fight over the best jobs and nicest offices. The losers fight over who’s to blame. And they jockey for positions in the next…
Read MoreI dropped in on a wise old Democrat who has been through the political wars, winning more than he lost. I found him undaunted by 2014 and fired up for 2016. He chided me for chiding Senator Hagan for chiding President Obama over the November results: “You were too tough on her. The President…
Read MoreBen Bradlee of the Washington Post used to say: “I come in every day with an empty bucket, and somebody fills it up.” Some days I come in with an empty blog, but TAPsters (readers, commentators and contributors) fill it up. Here’s a guest blog that’s timely in light of Senator-elect Andy Wells’ letter to…
Read MoreThe Taliban’s on a tear and ISIS is selling women as slaves and it looks like Limited Wars have turned out to be a gift that keeps on giving and we’re about to fight one more. ISIS has reconquered half of Irag but to whip ‘em we’re not sending in the Marines or the…
Read MoreGenerally speaking it looks folks see the riots in Missouri two ways – Jim Martin who serves on the local School Board gave an example in the newspaper of one way: After the riots he explained to his fellow School Board members they were watching a ‘classic disconnect between how officialdom and people in…
Read MoreWhen 60 Minutes came calling, Governor McCrory was quick to dump, and dump on, his old employer Duke Energy. When Leslie Stahl asked about Duke’s record on coal ash, McCrory squinted real serious-like and said, “Actually, there’s been no record regarding coal ash disposal.” Stahl: “They haven’t done anything?” McCrory: “Very little, very little.…
Read MoreObama and the Republican Leaders in Congress are eyeball to eyeball over immigration with the President saying he’s done a fine noble deed to bring five million people out of the shadows and with Republicans saying Obama’s fine noble deed is just an unconstitutional power grab. They’re having a fine row but the…
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Curmudgeonly Cajun James Carville says Democrats just need to “roll over and play dead” and wait…
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