It happens just about every day: You open the newspaper, read about a politician, and shake your head thinking, That’s just plain crazy. Not long ago the Senate proposed that, prior to Congress approving an agreement with Iran, the President should certify Iran is not supporting “terrorist attacks against Americans.” Oddly that didn’t…
Read MoreA TAPster who doesn’t like the legislature posed a good question, and it is reinforced by a story on the excellent EducationNC (EdNC) website. The TAPster asked: Who exactly are the members of the legislature? Where are they from? Where did they go to school? What are their backgrounds and life experiences? Why do…
Read MoreTo my readers: Because you often come here through Facebook or Twitter, you may not see Carter’s blogs. But you should. Because even when you don’t see eye-to-eye with him, you get to see where he’s coming from. And sometimes, shockingly enough, you may find yourself agreeing with Carter. So I wanted to be…
Read MoreSupporters of gay marriage figure it’s time to change two things: First, to change the legal definition of marriage to allow a man to marry another man. The other change is even knottier: Discriminating against a man (or woman) because of race is illegal; gay rights supporters want to make it equally illegal to…
Read MoreThe Reverend William Barber stepped back up onto his soapbox and thundered it’s time that Richard Burr and Thom Tillis left the chains of hatred behind and joined the chorus for justice by voting to confirm Loretta Lynch. The Reverend went on to explain how he’s looked into Ms. Lynch’s heart and how he…
Read MorePaul Krugman’s column runs twice weekly on the far-right side of The New York Times’ op-ed page, which is ironic given how far left his opinions are. He’s more liberal than me! But he had a good one this week on the vast differences between any Democrat and any Republican in the Presidential race.…
Read MoreWhen the young woman who runs Memories Pizza in a small town in Indiana told a reporter she wouldn’t cater a gay wedding all hell broke loose – a mob formed on the Internet howling she was an ignorant bigot and a Nazi and there were death threats and threats to burn her business. …
Read MorePat’s attacking Phil’s tax cut plan, and the Senate’s Sales Tax Plan, and the Senate’s Religious Freedom Act (about gay marriage) was a mixed bag – after all, voters like tax cuts and are split on gay marriage (with almost all the Republicans agreeing with Phil). But next Pat hit the mother lode, attacking…
Read MoreHillary Clinton’s announcement was so damn good it ought to end all the hand-wringing and bed-wetting in the Democratic Party. It won’t, of course, Democrats being Democrats. But she puts a stake down right on the ground where Democrats can win big in 2016 – from the White House all the way down the ballot…
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