With his polling numbers low, Governor McCrory needs to be way ahead in the upcoming fundraising numbers. Or he’ll be bleeding like an unlucky swimmer at Shark Week. PPP’s recent poll “finds Pat McCrory hitting his lowest approval since he took office,” just 33 percent, with 48 percent disapproval. He’s trailing Roy Cooper 43-41. Polls…
Read MoreNow his “friends” in the legislature have given him two more chances to prove that, as Senator Tom Apodaca said, “The governor doesn’t play much of a role in anything.” Governor McCrory has to decide whether to veto the bill protecting Confederate statues and monuments. He hasn’t said, but he did take a forthright stand…
Read MoreJohn McCain said Donald Trump’s supporters are ‘crazy.’ Trump fired back McCain’s not a war hero. Lindsey Graham called Trump a ‘jackass.’ And Trump gave out Graham’s cell phone number on TV. Who won? This morning the Washington Post released a poll showing Trump surging into the lead in the Republican Presidential Primary – with…
Read MoreYou’ve got to hand it to ‘em. You thought it was impossible. But the North Carolina legislature did it: They made South Carolina look progressive. South Carolina took down the Confederate flag, while our legislature is making it impossible to take down Confederate statues and monuments. Falling behind the rest of the South is par…
Read MoreFirst Rob Christensen defended keeping Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill. Then I suggested taking Andrew Jackson off the $20. Now a TAPster speaks up for Jackson. Old Hickory, he said in a voicemail, was “a man of the people who saved America from a plutocracy.” Plus, when Jackson was President, “the common man could…
Read MoreLong-time reader J. Fred doesn’t like the new-look N&O. “They can spin it all they want, but all I see is less news. It looks like a coloring book, not a newspaper.” I didn’t know whether to be offended or complimented when he added, “Hell, you and Carter have more to read in one of…
Read MoreDemocrats are cheering and Republicans are chafing as Donald Trump hogs the spotlight. Presumably, at some point he will implode or get tired of the game. But how much damage will he do to the Republican brand by then? And suppose he keeps going through the debates, through the primaries and maybe even through November…
Read MoreHere’s all you need know about the President’s plan to defeat ISIS: Right now, he’s training 60 rebels in Syria to whip ISIS. The cost? $500 million. Or $8.3 million per rebel. Meantime, after we’ve lost two wars (in Afghanistan and the first war in Iraq) he’s decided to cut the size of our army…
Read MoreSay it ain’t so, Harper Lee. How can the upright icon of To Kill a Mockingbird become the twisted racist of Go Set a Watchman? Your fans are gobsmacked. But Southerners of a certain age get it. Take two TAPsters who recall their grandfather, a prominent judge and Democratic Party power back in the day.…
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