The editorial made Governor McCrory so mad he sat down and wrote the editors a letter telling them they had a choice: They could continue to malign an outstanding public servant – the Governor was talking about his legal counsel – or they could admit they were elitists who lacked journalistic standards. It’s an odd…
Read MoreRight there in the middle of the page on the News and Observer’s website was an article with the Governor ripping into the newspapers for suing him for violating the ‘public records’ law – and right next to it was a second article about the Republican Party suing Roy Cooper for violating the same law.…
Read MoreSome pundits predicted Donald Trump’s hot-air balloon would crash after he criticized John McCain for crashing and being captured in Vietnam. But no. He rose even higher in some polls. As Slim Pickens asked in Blazing Saddles, “What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?” Some pollsters will tell you it’s…
Read MoreJohn McCain said Donald Trump’s supporters were ‘crazies;’ Lindsey Graham said Trump was a ‘jackass;’ Trump called Graham an ‘idiot’ and McCain a ‘dummy’ and said McCain ‘wasn’t a war hero.’ Then, a couple of days later, when the Last Socialist (Bernie Sanders) and Democratic Governor Martin O’Malley got up to speak at the National…
Read MoreThat was the enthusiastic assessment of one wise old Democrat after Hillary Clinton’s fundraiser in Raleigh last week. Another attendee, who never has stars in her eyes and has been skeptical, was won over by Clinton’s message and presence. Which raises two questions: First, will she run better in North Carolina than Bill? Second, will…
Read MoreSenator Tom Apodaca who’s gregarious and jovial and hard-nosed told the reporters, “The House went a little crazy with its budget” – then they asked about the Governor and he said, “The Governor doesn’t play much of a role in anything.” He probably didn’t mean it unkindly – it probably read a lot meaner in…
Read MoreIt’s about the last thing President Obama needed: At the end of his Presidency he’s on a sentimental journey to Kenya to visit his father’s homeland and, when he arrives in Nairobi, he’s going to be greeted by 5,000 naked anti-gay Kenyan protestors. Now there is a right way and a wrong way to do…
Read MoreWith his polling numbers low, Governor McCrory needs to be way ahead in the upcoming fundraising numbers. Or he’ll be bleeding like an unlucky swimmer at Shark Week. PPP’s recent poll “finds Pat McCrory hitting his lowest approval since he took office,” just 33 percent, with 48 percent disapproval. He’s trailing Roy Cooper 43-41. Polls…
Read MoreNow his “friends” in the legislature have given him two more chances to prove that, as Senator Tom Apodaca said, “The governor doesn’t play much of a role in anything.” Governor McCrory has to decide whether to veto the bill protecting Confederate statues and monuments. He hasn’t said, but he did take a forthright stand…
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