Hillary Clinton has the bad luck to be the Establishment in a bad year for the Establishment. She’s living in the castle just as peasants with pitchforks and torches storm the castle. She took $200,000 speaking fees from Wall Street just as Democrats turned against Wall Street. This is galling to Baby Boomers like the…
Read MoreAt first the President figured he could whip ISIS without putting a single foot soldier on the ground in Iraq. It didn’t work. Then he figured he could whip ISIS with 300 foot soldiers he called advisors. That didn’t work either. So last week, without fanfare, the Secretary of Defense announced he was sending 1,800…
Read MoreYou could feel the air go out of the entire state of North Carolina. Panther Nation was more deflated than Tom Brady’s footballs. The best offensive moves of the night were by Beyonce, not Cam Newton. Now Cam’s getting knocked down as much as he got raised up the last two weeks. Did he chicken…
Read MoreSometimes it’s the little things that trip a fellow up. Last year, Governor McCrory called a routine meeting so two of his supporters could sit down with state officials to discuss their contract with the Department of Prisons. But then right in the middle of the meeting one of the Governor’s supporters, Graeme Keith, Sr.,…
Read MoreRepublicans may nominate the most despicable and unacceptable imaginable candidate for President – a crude billionaire so loathsome he could deal the GOP its most crushing defeat since 1974 – and Democrats are going at each other’s throats over Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders? Judging from the growing bitterness and snide sniping on social media,…
Read MoreFor years I’ve thought of the people who vote in Republican Primaries as the salt of the earth – as old-fashioned, common sense patriots who might get bamboozled by a politician now and then but who in the end, blessed with a kind of inerrant compass, spot the varmints. But when this year’s Republican Primaries…
Read MoreBack in 1979 when Ayatollah Khomeini took over our embassy in Tehran we “froze” $400 million in Iranian cash. The cash sat there, frozen, until last week when two things happened: Iran released four American hostages. And the President announced we were giving Iran back the $400 million plus $1.3 billion in interest. The Republicans…
Read MoreThe Washington Republicans, trapped between a rock and a hard place, asked themselves, Who can we make the best deal with –Trump or Cruz? And that was all it took. The ole Master Dealmaker couldn’t resist. Flinging all his anti-Washington rhetoric out the window he got up at a rally in Las Vegas and announced,…
Read MoreAs we get to the real voting, it gets real clear that Donald Trump’s candidacy comes down to the lowest common denominator of American politics: race. Like any great scam artist, Trump has come up with a way of putting the best face on the ugliest impulses. He first seized the stage as an anti-Obama…
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