Staunch, vt., to check the flow of (blood, etc.) – Webster’s Republicans in our neighboring swing state of Virginia threw all they had behind Marco Rubio to stop Donald Trump. But there was no Marcomentum on Super Tuesday. Now the GOP seems stuck between Trump and Ted Cruz, who may be even more unelectable in…
Read MoreOn the eve of what could be the decisive day in the presidential primaries, let’s ponder why politics seems illogical, irrational and just plain insane. If you read this blog and other political punditry and journalism, you think of yourself as a reasonable, rational, thoughtful person. So you’re oft perplexed by how irrational people can…
Read MoreA couple of years before the Berlin Wall fell a writer, gazing into his crystal ball, predicted communism was done for because ‘even the people who believed in it didn’t believe in it anymore’ – then, by way of explanation, he added that a dead ideology lives on awhile in a semi-comatose state but, after…
Read MoreTrump looked last night like the alpha dog with two chihuahuas yipping, yapping and nipping at his heels. The GOP Establishment and the Mediacroty will proclaim Marco Rubio the winner. He did what both wanted him to do: attack Trump. Rubio got the best of the fray a few times. He exposed Trump as all…
Read MoreIt will come to this. A 90-minute faceoff that will put Ali-Frazier, Duke-Carolina and all 50 Super Bowls in the shade. Trump has done a lot of debates in this campaign. But every one has been a multi-candidate show. He has had the good luck of being on stage with anywhere from four to seven…
Read MoreThe Washington Post says today, “Donald Trump is well on his way to the 1,237 delegates he needs to be the GOP nominee.” The Super PACs are afraid to take him on. Most of his opponents have fled the field. Only two men stand between Trump and the Republican nomination: Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.…
Read MoreAfter South Carolina voted Saturday, Marco Rubio proclaimed, “The children of the Reagan Revolution are ready to assume the mantle of leadership.” If so, he’s just the boy for the job. Rubio is inheriting all the Establishment Republicans who hopped on the Bush-dynasty bandwagon early. (Inheritance is big with these people.) Now Wonderboy moves into…
Read MoreRemember a lifetime ago – actually, last week, after New Hampshire? The Democratic presidential story line was: Hillary’s in trouble. She’s losing young people to Bernie. This could go on a long time. This week, after Nevada, there’s a new story: Hillary has an unassailable lead with delegates. With South Carolina and the SEC primary…
Read MoreDo they like him because he’ll “make America great again” – or make America white again? Granted, some South Carolinians may have voted for Trump because they want a strong leader. But you know more than a few voted for him because – like Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms and George Wallace before him – he…
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