Governor’s wife, First Lady, United States Senator, Cabinet Secretary – for four decades Hillary’s breathed the air of politics. She’s the Politician in the race for President. Donald Trump will tell you in the blink of an eye he’s a Dealmaker. A great Dealmaker. But he could have named his book The Art of ‘Selling’…
Read MoreAs you watch the Republican convention, you see why Donald Trump picked Mike Pence as his running mate: There’s no chance Pence will steal the spotlight from the star. There’s only one star in this show, and it’s Donald Trump. And all the co-stars, like all his products and possessions, are also named Trump (Melania,…
Read MoreThe other day a newspaper reporter called and asked, Did you know Hillary’s Super PAC has spent $9 million to buy TV time in North Carolina? I didn’t. And, it turned out, they’d actually spent $12.5 million. Next, I looked to see how much Donald Trump was spending. The first story I found – in…
Read MoreFor a time, we all had high hopes for this Republican convention. Maybe it wouldn’t be the usual snooze-a-thon. Maybe it would fulfill the fantasy of all political junkies: an open convention! That would mean fireworks. A dump-Trump move. A party divided. Angry protests. A whiff of violence in the hall. Bitter fights between Establishment…
Read MoreA Republican friend read me the riot act – he said: You ought to stop writing about Trump’s bragging and bullying and start harpooning Hillary. If liberals get control of the Supreme Court the country’s down the tubes. So who do you want appointing justices – Hillary or Trump? Hillary’ll probably appoint Obama. The prospect…
Read MoreThe four newspaper headlines told a troubling story. ‘Hillary Outraises Trump.’ ‘Cooper Outraises McCrory.’ ‘Ross Outraises Burr.’ ‘Stein Outraises Newton’ (for Attorney General). What the heck – has some evil genie appeared out of thin air showering money on Democrats? There was one glimmer of good news: Deborah Ross raised more than Richard Burr last…
Read MoreHere’s one way Washington Politicians plant the seeds of a train wreck: Republican Leaders and Political Masterminds are telling anxious Senators and Congressmen the fall election is looking just fine: That the ‘Generic Ballot’ questions – like, ‘In the election for US Congress this fall are you more likely to vote for the Democratic candidate…
Read MoreThere’s no need for Roy Cooper’s campaign to spin this one, and no use in Pat McCrory’s campaign trying to spin out of it. Cooper is crushing McCrory in fundraising. There are only two ways to keep score in politics before Election Day: polls and money. The polls are close in the Governor’s race. The…
Read MoreThey may be fighting because they’re both from the same town and New York’s not big enough for the two of them but regardless of the root of their animosity there’s no doubt Donald Trump sets the New York Times’ teeth on edge. A few days ago the Times ran a front page story claiming…
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