It was a rough week. But it’s over. No more opening the morning newspapers to read stories about plagiarism. Or about booing Ted. Or about hour-long political speeches in prime time by Donald Trump. Orators aren’t born – they learn their art the old-fashioned way. One hard step at a time. And great orators…
Read MoreHillary Clinton has the greatest gift in politics: a flawed, unpopular opponent. Still, she should use the Democratic convention to fix four big problems. First, she’s a status quo candidate in a change year. She and Bill have been on the stage for 25 years. And she is something of a third Obama term. The…
Read MoreCarter and I talked with WUNC Radio’s Jeff Tiberii on “what North Carolinians should expect from presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in the battleground state.” You can listen here.
Read MoreToday, some random notes from the GOP convention: There’s a new Republican slogan. “Make America Hate Again.” Republicans deeply admire Michelle Obama. When her lines are mouthed by a Slovenian swimsuit model. It’s okay to plagiarize. Joe Biden had to drop out of the 1988 presidential race when he got caught plagiarizing a British politician.…
Read MoreWe haven’t heard this said before – not during this convention. And not during Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s campaign against one another. We have heard, from Donald Trump: ‘I will make America great again.’ And ‘I will make great trade deals.’ And we’ve heard how ‘Donald Trump can do the impossible.’ We’ve heard…
Read MoreNorth Carolina Republicans this year will get to experience what we Democrats went through in so many presidential elections: how to avoid going down with the Titanic. Because the S.S. Trump is going down, and it will be hard to avoid getting sucked into the vortex. The Republican convention is officially a disaster. It didn’t…
Read MoreYou might not expect a presidential candidate to compare himself to America’s most crooked and disgraced President, but Donald Trump and his campaign chairman did just that this week. Trump and Chairman Paul Manafort said that, just as with Richard Nixon in 1968, Americans want a strong “law and order” leader at a time when…
Read MoreRudy Giuliani nailed the key to the election, saying Obama’s inability to speak two words – Islamic Extremists – has consequences; that it already had consequences in San Bernadino and at Fort Hood with Major Nidal. He was yelling ‘Allah Akbar,’ Guilani said. The only person who couldn’t figure out that was an Islamic terrorist…
Read MoreThe last two Republican Presidents aren’t there. The last two Republican presidential candidates aren’t there. The Republican Governor of the state hosting the convention isn’t there. Pat McCrory isn’t there. And former Republican N.C. Supreme Court Justice Bob Orr says he can’t vote for Trump for the nomination or election because “I think he’s singularly…
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