An email flies out saying, ‘Demonstration at the airport,’ and a thousand Democratic activists head for the airport – or to a Women’s March, Gay Pride Demonstration, Moral Monday Protest, Earth Day March or Immigration Protest. So are these protests political steel? Or, like Keg Parties and Beer Blasts, simply an occasion for activists to…
Read MoreTwo weeks into Trump’s carnage, Democrats face two questions. First, can we channel the raging torrent of marches, protests and demonstrations into election victories? Second, can we come up with a coherent and convincing message? First, elections. You win with basics: Candidate recruitment, fundraising, voter registration and voter turnout. It’s great to march, protest and…
Read MoreHe’s been a TV star, a Master Dealmaker, and a mega-tycoon but success failed to make him popular. But, a year ago, after Donald Trump announced he was running for President his unpopularity didn’t matter: Because a curse settled on his opponents. Trump was elected due to his opponents’ vices not his virtues. Now, post-election,…
Read MoreIt’s the lynchpin of his plan: Paul Ryan wants to tax imports a trillion dollars over ten years so he can cut corporate taxes and income taxes an equal amount. It sounds straightforward. But there is an odd missing piece. A trillion dollars over ten years is $100 billion a year – and, in years…
Read MoreRoy Cooper has seen this movie before. This time, he plays the lead. Thirty years ago, Cooper was a freshman House member. The Governor was a Republican. Democrats controlled the General Assembly. There were only 50 Republicans among the 170 House and Senate members. And the Governor didn’t have veto power. When Governor Jim Martin…
Read MoreWhether it was in his blood or whether, like a craft, it was a talent he honed he could walk into a board room and sell one group ‘the greatest deal ever’ in the morning and in the afternoon in another board room he could make the same promise to another group and since he…
Read MoreJudging from his HB2 emails, Pat McCrory would fit in fine with Trump. He’s thin-skinned, obsessed with how the media treats him and always whining about unfair coverage. Now, let’s be fair. All politicians obsess about how the media reports on them. But here’s what separates leaders from politicians: Leaders learn. Instead of constantly complaining,…
Read MoreWhen Democrats look at Trump’s immigration ban, they see chaos, cruelty, carnage, confusion and controversy. Not to mention a lack of planning, a lack of coordination and even cause for impeachment. Steve Bannon sees things working out just like he planned. Bannon is Trump’s brain. Where Trump is impulsive, Bannon is strategic. Where Trump reacts…
Read MoreFearless and unfettered by creeds, mocking his foes, he tweeted New Year’s greetings to “my many enemies who have fought me and lost so badly.” His vanity boundless he loves talking about himself, boasting, ‘Great meeting…packed house…long standing ovations.’ When he speaks one man sees a Deliverer while another sees a devil; one roars he’s…
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