Apple’s core values belong in NC
The “No Gay? No Way!” campaign has it exactly backwards about Apple coming to North Carolina.
The Human Rights Campaign frames the argument this way: “Apple has an opportunity to lead by locating and investing in places that fully protect LGBTQ people. North Carolina is not one of those places.”
But if Apple – and like-minded companies – go only to places where the battle is already won, how will we ever change places where the battle is on?
It’s true that Republicans who control the legislature today demonize and discriminate against LGBTQ people. That’s not true of Democrats and Governor Cooper.
If Apple comes to North Carolina, it will bring its values here. Apple President Tim Cook, a Duke grad and trustee who is gay, has made clear that the company stands strongly against anti-LGBTQ discrimination.
Yes, North Carolina has a shameful record. But change is coming to the legislature this year. Governor Cooper has made clear that his goal is statewide LGBT protections. We’re on the cusp of making big strides.
Apple can help win the fight. Its workforce, social involvement and economic clout would make Apple a powerful ally for those who want to do the right thing.
If they’re not in North Carolina, they can’t help us win in North Carolina.

Apple’s core values belong in NC

The “No Gay? No Way!” campaign has it exactly backwards about Apple coming to North Carolina.
The Human Rights Campaign frames the argument this way: “Apple has an opportunity to lead by locating and investing in places that fully protect LGBTQ people. North Carolina is not one of those places.”
But if Apple – and like-minded companies – go only to places where the battle is already won, how will we ever change places where the battle is on?
It’s true that Republicans who control the legislature today demonize and discriminate against LGBTQ people. That’s not true of Democrats and Governor Cooper.
If Apple comes to North Carolina, it will bring its values here. Apple President Tim Cook, a Duke grad and trustee who is gay, has made clear that the company stands strongly against anti-LGBTQ discrimination.
Yes, North Carolina has a shameful record. But change is coming to the legislature this year. Governor Cooper has made clear that his goal is statewide LGBT protections. We’re on the cusp of making big strides.
Apple can help win the fight. Its workforce, social involvement and economic clout would make Apple a powerful ally for those who want to do the right thing.
If they’re not in North Carolina, they can’t help us win in North Carolina.