Another View of the Scandal
April 17, 2012 - by
A TAPster takes a calmer view of the scandal enveloping the state Democratic Party with these “thoughts on the Big Mess at North Carolina’s Democratic headquarters:”
“This isn’t really a “scandal,” for goodness sakes. It’s breath-taking management incompetence. The clumsy Democratic leadership gave a clinic in how to turn a one-day personnel matter into a red-hot flaming calamity by trying to keep it quiet and by documenting their ineptitude in emails. It’s not about political failure, but about an abject failure of leaders to manage people and their problems.
“Harassment, regrettably, happens in lots of organizations, so the Dems aren’t unique. It’s always wrong when an employee is harassed (“no means no”). The best organizations have a clear process for dealing with these problems and leaders who take decisive and appropriate action. These capabilities are missing at Democratic headquarters.
“Sure, there was a “cover up” by a political organization in the middle of a campaign. But it’s not like they were stealing taxpayer money. The only people who should be miffed are Democrats who gave money to Democrats to elect Democrats, not buy out aggrieved Democrats.
“This isn’t history’s first payoff by an organization to settle claims against its leaders. Plenty of other organizations in Raleigh have done the same thing. And, this isn’t the first time there’s been inappropriate philandering in a political organization. Campaigns are notorious rats nests of hot sex. The workers and volunteers are mostly young, so stuff happens. In this sweaty environment, a political organization needs a better plan than one that begins with “Panic!”.
“By the way, if you’re in politics and stupidly write an electronic diary of your misdeeds, send a copy to the N&O and save them the trouble of asking.”

Another View of the Scandal
April 17, 2012/

A TAPster takes a calmer view of the scandal enveloping the state Democratic Party with these “thoughts on the Big Mess at North Carolina’s Democratic headquarters:”
“This isn’t really a “scandal,” for goodness sakes. It’s breath-taking management incompetence. The clumsy Democratic leadership gave a clinic in how to turn a one-day personnel matter into a red-hot flaming calamity by trying to keep it quiet and by documenting their ineptitude in emails. It’s not about political failure, but about an abject failure of leaders to manage people and their problems.
“Harassment, regrettably, happens in lots of organizations, so the Dems aren’t unique. It’s always wrong when an employee is harassed (“no means no”). The best organizations have a clear process for dealing with these problems and leaders who take decisive and appropriate action. These capabilities are missing at Democratic headquarters.
“Sure, there was a “cover up” by a political organization in the middle of a campaign. But it’s not like they were stealing taxpayer money. The only people who should be miffed are Democrats who gave money to Democrats to elect Democrats, not buy out aggrieved Democrats.
“This isn’t history’s first payoff by an organization to settle claims against its leaders. Plenty of other organizations in Raleigh have done the same thing. And, this isn’t the first time there’s been inappropriate philandering in a political organization. Campaigns are notorious rats nests of hot sex. The workers and volunteers are mostly young, so stuff happens. In this sweaty environment, a political organization needs a better plan than one that begins with “Panic!”.
“By the way, if you’re in politics and stupidly write an electronic diary of your misdeeds, send a copy to the N&O and save them the trouble of asking.”