Another Perdue Gift
December 5, 2012 - by
Well, Governor Perdue’s stepped in another mess. She’s announced she’s going to sidestep the normal nominating process (she set up) to pick a new Supreme Court Judge before Pat McCrory takes office.
Perdue explained how her plan made sense, saying, I can’t imagine that the person I select will be anything but the finest jurist in North Carolina, or that anybody will have any problem with it.
She added, I’m going to make the appointment on paper, in my mind, and I’m going to pick up the phone and call them [the nominating committee]…
So, here’s the Governor’s plan: The nominating committee doesn’t have time to vet a candidate so she’s going to pick someone on paper, in her mind then run it by the committee (that didn’t have time to vet a candidate) to be sure the finest jurist in North Carolina doesn’t have any flaws.
It was more temptation than Senate Leader Phil Berger could resist. He pointed out, well, politely, that there was a flaw in the Governor’s logic.

Another Perdue Gift
December 5, 2012/

Well, Governor Perdue’s stepped in another mess. She’s announced she’s going to sidestep the normal nominating process (she set up) to pick a new Supreme Court Judge before Pat McCrory takes office.
Perdue explained how her plan made sense, saying, I can’t imagine that the person I select will be anything but the finest jurist in North Carolina, or that anybody will have any problem with it.
She added, I’m going to make the appointment on paper, in my mind, and I’m going to pick up the phone and call them [the nominating committee]…
So, here’s the Governor’s plan: The nominating committee doesn’t have time to vet a candidate so she’s going to pick someone on paper, in her mind then run it by the committee (that didn’t have time to vet a candidate) to be sure the finest jurist in North Carolina doesn’t have any flaws.
It was more temptation than Senate Leader Phil Berger could resist. He pointed out, well, politely, that there was a flaw in the Governor’s logic.