An Example of the Unexpected
October 23, 2012 - by
The other day Gary and I spoke at a luncheon and when Gary finished speaking he opened the floor for questions and, right off, a fellow stood up and asked, ‘So who’s going to win the election?’
It’s the question everyone’s asking and Gary gave him a great answer. He explained how in politics the unexpected happens and turns campaigns upside down – then gave an example.
‘After all,’ he said, ‘who would have dreamed six weeks ago that the ambassador to Libya would be a crucial issue in the Presidential Election?’

An Example of the Unexpected
October 23, 2012/

The other day Gary and I spoke at a luncheon and when Gary finished speaking he opened the floor for questions and, right off, a fellow stood up and asked, ‘So who’s going to win the election?’
It’s the question everyone’s asking and Gary gave him a great answer. He explained how in politics the unexpected happens and turns campaigns upside down – then gave an example.
‘After all,’ he said, ‘who would have dreamed six weeks ago that the ambassador to Libya would be a crucial issue in the Presidential Election?’