An Election Lesson from Mexico
Put this under the category of non-surprising news: the Mexican election might be stolen.
But the news made me thankful for the wisdom of our Founding Fathers.
Namely, the much-maligned Electoral College.
American elections are going south – literally. Thanks to Florida 2000, every closely fought presidential election will see charges of fraud. Just like in
Robert Kennedy Jr. even wrote in Rolling Stone recently that Republicans in
But today, at least, the fraud charges focus on a relative handful of votes in one or two states.
In this country, that kind of fight would tie us in knots for years on end. Think of the new blogs alone that would be created. Dozens of conspiracy theories would flourish. Oliver Stone would have to make a new movie every four years.
I doubt Americans would take it.

An Election Lesson from Mexico

Put this under the category of non-surprising news: the Mexican election might be stolen.
But the news made me thankful for the wisdom of our Founding Fathers.
Namely, the much-maligned Electoral College.
American elections are going south – literally. Thanks to Florida 2000, every closely fought presidential election will see charges of fraud. Just like in
Robert Kennedy Jr. even wrote in Rolling Stone recently that Republicans in
But today, at least, the fraud charges focus on a relative handful of votes in one or two states.
In this country, that kind of fight would tie us in knots for years on end. Think of the new blogs alone that would be created. Dozens of conspiracy theories would flourish. Oliver Stone would have to make a new movie every four years.
I doubt Americans would take it.