A Welter of Echoes

Each roar lasts a second. But the echoes last days.

Mexico wins. We lose.

China wins. We lose.

Wall Street wins. We lose.

Washington Politicians win. We lose.

Each had mantra-like precision. Each echoed across twitter, cable news, and newspaper headlines.

Once, when Obamacare repeal failed, two mantras collided head-on. The President tweeted: The Democrats won. We lost. But then he said the Freedom Caucus was to blame and he was going to make a deal with the Democrats.

But it didn’t matter.

The virtual world still erupted. CNN had Trump tottering on his last legs while Fox had Trump triumphant.

It was another welter of echoes.

But, in a way, it’s all simple: The howl wins. We lose.

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Carter Wrenn



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A Welter of Echoes

Each roar lasts a second. But the echoes last days.

Mexico wins. We lose.

China wins. We lose.

Wall Street wins. We lose.

Washington Politicians win. We lose.

Each had mantra-like precision. Each echoed across twitter, cable news, and newspaper headlines.

Once, when Obamacare repeal failed, two mantras collided head-on. The President tweeted: The Democrats won. We lost. But then he said the Freedom Caucus was to blame and he was going to make a deal with the Democrats.

But it didn’t matter.

The virtual world still erupted. CNN had Trump tottering on his last legs while Fox had Trump triumphant.

It was another welter of echoes.

But, in a way, it’s all simple: The howl wins. We lose.

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Carter Wrenn

