A Wager
Ole Francis De Luca over at the Civitas Institute released his latest poll and revealed an amazing fact – Donald Trump is receiving 32% of the African-American vote in North Carolina.
The poll took wing and flew across right-wing websites, hailed it as proof of ‘The Donald’s’ invincibility. Who else could win a third of the African American vote? they asked. No one. But Donald Trump.
And it would be shocking: No Republican has won the votes of a third of the African-Americans in North Carolina since, well, since Reconstruction. No one has even come close.
So is Francis’ poll an epiphany? A harbinger of a new day?
Let’s put it to a test.
Francis, would you care to make a wager?

A Wager

Ole Francis De Luca over at the Civitas Institute released his latest poll and revealed an amazing fact – Donald Trump is receiving 32% of the African-American vote in North Carolina.
The poll took wing and flew across right-wing websites, hailed it as proof of ‘The Donald’s’ invincibility. Who else could win a third of the African American vote? they asked. No one. But Donald Trump.
And it would be shocking: No Republican has won the votes of a third of the African-Americans in North Carolina since, well, since Reconstruction. No one has even come close.
So is Francis’ poll an epiphany? A harbinger of a new day?
Let’s put it to a test.
Francis, would you care to make a wager?