A Twist on Nepotism?
Contributions to political campaigns are not bribes, because the money is not personal income to elected officials. But what if a Congressman puts his wife or a relative on his campaign payroll? Technically, that’s perfectly legal, too. But it’s harder to argue a Congressman has no personal benefit when his wife is on his campaign payroll. Here’s a list of Congressmen who’ve hired family members (Vote.com; 12/7/06):
Congressman Richard Pombo (R) – wife and 2 brothers
Congressman Zoe Lofgren (D) – husband’s law firm
Congressman Bernie Sanders (I) – wife and step-daughter
Congressman John Doolittle (R) – wife
Congressman Ralph Hall (R) – daughter-in-law
Congressman Pete Stark (D) – wife
Congressman Buck McKeon (R) – wife
Congressman Ron Lewis (R) – wife
Congressman Bart Stupak (D) – wife
Congressman Jim Costa (D) – nephew
Congressman Chris Cannon (R) – three daughters
Congressman Lincoln Davis (D) – sister-in-law and daughter
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) – wife
Congressman Dave Reichert (R) – nephew
Congressman Louie Gehmert (R) – wife
Congressman Tim Bishop (D) – daughter
Congressman Bob Filner (D) – wife
Congressman J.D. Hayworth (R) – wife
Congressman Bob Inglis (R) – wife
Congressman Elton Gallegly (R) – wife
Congressman Sherwood Boehlert (R) – wife, nephew
Congressman John Sweeney (R) – wife
Congressman Jeff Flake (R) – wife
Congressman Ed Pastor (D) – nephew
Congressman John Shadegg (R) – son
Congressman Howard Berman (D) – brother’s consulting firm
Senator Barbara Boxer (D) – son
Other Congressman and Senators have family members who are lobbyists; among them are House and Senate leaders:
Congressman Dennis Hastert – son (lobbyist for Google)
Senator Harry Reid – son and son-in-law
Congressman Roy Blunt – wife (for tobacco companies)
If the new Democratic Majority in Congress wants to put its best foot forward when it convenes in January, a good first step would be to ban both practices.
To comment, send us an email to comment@talkingaboutpolitics.com.

A Twist on Nepotism?

Contributions to political campaigns are not bribes, because the money is not personal income to elected officials. But what if a Congressman puts his wife or a relative on his campaign payroll? Technically, that’s perfectly legal, too. But it’s harder to argue a Congressman has no personal benefit when his wife is on his campaign payroll. Here’s a list of Congressmen who’ve hired family members (Vote.com; 12/7/06):
Congressman Richard Pombo (R) – wife and 2 brothers
Congressman Zoe Lofgren (D) – husband’s law firm
Congressman Bernie Sanders (I) – wife and step-daughter
Congressman John Doolittle (R) – wife
Congressman Ralph Hall (R) – daughter-in-law
Congressman Pete Stark (D) – wife
Congressman Buck McKeon (R) – wife
Congressman Ron Lewis (R) – wife
Congressman Bart Stupak (D) – wife
Congressman Jim Costa (D) – nephew
Congressman Chris Cannon (R) – three daughters
Congressman Lincoln Davis (D) – sister-in-law and daughter
Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R) – wife
Congressman Dave Reichert (R) – nephew
Congressman Louie Gehmert (R) – wife
Congressman Tim Bishop (D) – daughter
Congressman Bob Filner (D) – wife
Congressman J.D. Hayworth (R) – wife
Congressman Bob Inglis (R) – wife
Congressman Elton Gallegly (R) – wife
Congressman Sherwood Boehlert (R) – wife, nephew
Congressman John Sweeney (R) – wife
Congressman Jeff Flake (R) – wife
Congressman Ed Pastor (D) – nephew
Congressman John Shadegg (R) – son
Congressman Howard Berman (D) – brother’s consulting firm
Senator Barbara Boxer (D) – son
Other Congressman and Senators have family members who are lobbyists; among them are House and Senate leaders:
Congressman Dennis Hastert – son (lobbyist for Google)
Senator Harry Reid – son and son-in-law
Congressman Roy Blunt – wife (for tobacco companies)
If the new Democratic Majority in Congress wants to put its best foot forward when it convenes in January, a good first step would be to ban both practices.
To comment, send us an email to comment@talkingaboutpolitics.com.