A Teaching Moment
I believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. How can you not?
Her testimony was powerful, persuasive and painful. She clearly was traumatized by what Brett Kavanaugh did to her. Her life was derailed. And now she has to go through this.
If Republicans stick with Kavanaugh, they have only one way to go: “Well, what a fine man did when he was a drunk teenager shouldn’t be held against him now.”
My wife had the answer to that. If we do hold it against him, maybe boys and young men will learn a good lesson: What you do to a woman today can ruin her life – and yours.
Kavanaugh gave Dr. Ford a lifetime of trauma. The Senate shouldn’t give him a lifetime seat on America’s highest court.

A Teaching Moment

I believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. How can you not?
Her testimony was powerful, persuasive and painful. She clearly was traumatized by what Brett Kavanaugh did to her. Her life was derailed. And now she has to go through this.
If Republicans stick with Kavanaugh, they have only one way to go: “Well, what a fine man did when he was a drunk teenager shouldn’t be held against him now.”
My wife had the answer to that. If we do hold it against him, maybe boys and young men will learn a good lesson: What you do to a woman today can ruin her life – and yours.
Kavanaugh gave Dr. Ford a lifetime of trauma. The Senate shouldn’t give him a lifetime seat on America’s highest court.