A Safe Bet?
September 15, 2014 - by
Not long after President Obama pressed the go-button Kay Hagan chimed in, “The President and our military leadership have now developed a plan to train and equip moderate Syrian rebels and defeat ISIS with a sustained campaign of airstrikes.”
Moderate Syrian rebels? Do you reckon such a creature really exists?
Basing a military campaign on finding Syrian moderates, well, might turn out to be like finding the Abominable Snowman.

A Safe Bet?
September 15, 2014/

Not long after President Obama pressed the go-button Kay Hagan chimed in, “The President and our military leadership have now developed a plan to train and equip moderate Syrian rebels and defeat ISIS with a sustained campaign of airstrikes.”
Moderate Syrian rebels? Do you reckon such a creature really exists?
Basing a military campaign on finding Syrian moderates, well, might turn out to be like finding the Abominable Snowman.