A Romney-McCrory Collapse
May 31, 2012 - by
A couple of Republican friends confess to their nightmare scenario: a collapse by both Mitt Romney and Pat McCrory.
Conservative Republicans have long worried that Romney might fail to stir the base. That turnout was key to the 2010 election and the gay-marriage amendment.
Now McCrory’s petty, panicked and petulant mishandling of the Tree.com ad has them doubly worried.
A Democrat who supports George Holding noted that, even in a heavily Republican district, he doesn’t want to contemplate what happens if the top of the ticket goes south.
That could put supposedly safe legislative seats within Democratic reach.
Stranger things have happened in politics.

A Romney-McCrory Collapse
May 31, 2012/

A couple of Republican friends confess to their nightmare scenario: a collapse by both Mitt Romney and Pat McCrory.
Conservative Republicans have long worried that Romney might fail to stir the base. That turnout was key to the 2010 election and the gay-marriage amendment.
Now McCrory’s petty, panicked and petulant mishandling of the Tree.com ad has them doubly worried.
A Democrat who supports George Holding noted that, even in a heavily Republican district, he doesn’t want to contemplate what happens if the top of the ticket goes south.
That could put supposedly safe legislative seats within Democratic reach.
Stranger things have happened in politics.