A Quirk of Human Nature
July 10, 2013 - by
The other morning there was a picture on the front page of the News and Observer of a hundred angry women, every one of them mad as blazes, carrying signs, shaking fists and chanting, ‘Shame, shame, shame’ at Republican Senators who’d just passed a new abortion bill (that required abortion centers to meet the same standards as outpatient surgery centers).
Looking at those ladies’ faces no one could have a single doubt they were sincere.
But, at the same time, a lot of the folks who are against putting more regulations on abortion doctors favor more regulations to protect the ozone, prevent global warming, stop the seas from rising and on just about everything else.
Now, of course, I know the ladies will say the Senate bill was just a backdoor way to limit abortion – and they have a point. Gary hit the same point so strongly in his blog (“Where do you Stand, Pat?”) he gave me the political tremors. But, still, it’s odd for folks to believe there’s hardly a creature walking or breathing or moving that couldn’t benefit from a little more government regulation – except abortion doctors.

A Quirk of Human Nature
July 10, 2013/

The other morning there was a picture on the front page of the News and Observer of a hundred angry women, every one of them mad as blazes, carrying signs, shaking fists and chanting, ‘Shame, shame, shame’ at Republican Senators who’d just passed a new abortion bill (that required abortion centers to meet the same standards as outpatient surgery centers).
Looking at those ladies’ faces no one could have a single doubt they were sincere.
But, at the same time, a lot of the folks who are against putting more regulations on abortion doctors favor more regulations to protect the ozone, prevent global warming, stop the seas from rising and on just about everything else.
Now, of course, I know the ladies will say the Senate bill was just a backdoor way to limit abortion – and they have a point. Gary hit the same point so strongly in his blog (“Where do you Stand, Pat?”) he gave me the political tremors. But, still, it’s odd for folks to believe there’s hardly a creature walking or breathing or moving that couldn’t benefit from a little more government regulation – except abortion doctors.