A New Day in the Senate?
February 25, 2010 - by
Up in Washington last weekend at the Conservative Political Action Conference every time Scott Brown’s name was mentioned the conservative hordes let out a bellow of approval – but, then, two days later Brown voted with the Democrats in the Senate to end a filibuster against President Obama’s latest ‘Stimulus Bill’ and Democratic leader Harry Reid purred, “I believe this is the beginning of a new day in the Senate.”
Scott Brown’s election has been heralded as a conservative triumph but, in fact, it’s not. Instead, Brown’s win is a triumph of Washington Republican pragmatism. The Washington Republicans – whose goal is Republican majorities regardless of ideological persuasion – have succeeded in electing a crucial 41st Republican vote and, in the process, probably dealt a fatal blow to Obamacare. So, they can argue, credibly, that even if Brown strays on Obama’s Stimulus Bills the game was worth the candle and adding up the pro’s and con’s, no matter how Brown votes, Senate Republicans come out way ahead.
But, at the same time, they have created – for themselves – a pair of problems: First, they didn’t elect Brown by saying he was another Olympia Snow – instead they waved flags of ideological purity all over the Internet persuading Republican faithful across the nation to pour millions into Brown’s campaign.
Result: The Washington Republican Establishment fooled the core activists in their own party, once again, and a lot of people who oppose Obama’s Stimulus Bills, abortion, and gay marriage contributed to a Massachusetts Republican who supports all three – which leads straight to the second problem.
The Independents who voted Republican last fall didn’t do it out of love for the Grand Old Party – they did it because they’re mad as blazes at President Obama. They want changes in Washington. A lot of changes – which Senator Brown voting with Democrats won’t deliver.
It sure looks like Independent voters are going to stick with Republicans through this fall election but if they wake up after the election to find Washington politics rolling along as usual – guess who they’re going be mad at next?
Posted in General, National Republicans

A New Day in the Senate?
February 25, 2010/

Up in Washington last weekend at the Conservative Political Action Conference every time Scott Brown’s name was mentioned the conservative hordes let out a bellow of approval – but, then, two days later Brown voted with the Democrats in the Senate to end a filibuster against President Obama’s latest ‘Stimulus Bill’ and Democratic leader Harry Reid purred, “I believe this is the beginning of a new day in the Senate.”
Scott Brown’s election has been heralded as a conservative triumph but, in fact, it’s not. Instead, Brown’s win is a triumph of Washington Republican pragmatism. The Washington Republicans – whose goal is Republican majorities regardless of ideological persuasion – have succeeded in electing a crucial 41st Republican vote and, in the process, probably dealt a fatal blow to Obamacare. So, they can argue, credibly, that even if Brown strays on Obama’s Stimulus Bills the game was worth the candle and adding up the pro’s and con’s, no matter how Brown votes, Senate Republicans come out way ahead.
But, at the same time, they have created – for themselves – a pair of problems: First, they didn’t elect Brown by saying he was another Olympia Snow – instead they waved flags of ideological purity all over the Internet persuading Republican faithful across the nation to pour millions into Brown’s campaign.
Result: The Washington Republican Establishment fooled the core activists in their own party, once again, and a lot of people who oppose Obama’s Stimulus Bills, abortion, and gay marriage contributed to a Massachusetts Republican who supports all three – which leads straight to the second problem.
The Independents who voted Republican last fall didn’t do it out of love for the Grand Old Party – they did it because they’re mad as blazes at President Obama. They want changes in Washington. A lot of changes – which Senator Brown voting with Democrats won’t deliver.
It sure looks like Independent voters are going to stick with Republicans through this fall election but if they wake up after the election to find Washington politics rolling along as usual – guess who they’re going be mad at next?
Posted in General, National Republicans