A Mile Wide and an Inch Deep

John Edwards enjoyed a surge in popularity after his announcement, even leading Hillary in polls in Iowa. But a new poll raises questions.

A month ago Edwards led Hillary by 13 percent in the polls in North Carolina. But, now, the latest Public Policy Poll (News and Observer; 2-9-07) shows Hillary surging, cutting Edwards’ lead by ten points.

John Edwards 34%
Hillary Clinton 31%
Barack Obama 18%

The sudden shift of Democrats in Edwards’ home state – where he is known best and where his base should be strongest – to Hillary may be a sign of a fatal flaw in John Edwards’ campaign. Edward’s support may be a mile wide – but it may also only be an inch deep.

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Carter Wrenn



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A Mile Wide and an Inch Deep

John Edwards enjoyed a surge in popularity after his announcement, even leading Hillary in polls in Iowa. But a new poll raises questions.

A month ago Edwards led Hillary by 13 percent in the polls in North Carolina. But, now, the latest Public Policy Poll (News and Observer; 2-9-07) shows Hillary surging, cutting Edwards’ lead by ten points.

John Edwards 34%
Hillary Clinton 31%
Barack Obama 18%

The sudden shift of Democrats in Edwards’ home state – where he is known best and where his base should be strongest – to Hillary may be a sign of a fatal flaw in John Edwards’ campaign. Edward’s support may be a mile wide – but it may also only be an inch deep.

Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles in our Forum.

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Carter Wrenn

