A McCrory Comeback?
June 22, 2014 - by
The prevailing Democratic view of Governor McCrory is summed up by this bumper sticker a friend saw:
My child is an honor student.
My Governor is a moron.
But Governor McCrory has a chance to mount his own “Carolina Comeback” in the next few weeks.
He could stand up to the legislature – and even pick a fight – on something big. Especially something big on education: Teacher pay? Common Core?
Now, Democrats wouldn’t fall in love with him, although they’d love to see Republicans fighting openly with each other.
But Democrats would suddenly start, as the voice on your GPS says, recalculating the route to 2016. They’d suddenly be faced with an incumbent who might appeal to Independents. He might even start looking like one of those rare politicians that voters yearn for, but never find. One who can stand up to both parties.

A McCrory Comeback?
June 22, 2014/

The prevailing Democratic view of Governor McCrory is summed up by this bumper sticker a friend saw:
My child is an honor student.
My Governor is a moron.
But Governor McCrory has a chance to mount his own “Carolina Comeback” in the next few weeks.
He could stand up to the legislature – and even pick a fight – on something big. Especially something big on education: Teacher pay? Common Core?
Now, Democrats wouldn’t fall in love with him, although they’d love to see Republicans fighting openly with each other.
But Democrats would suddenly start, as the voice on your GPS says, recalculating the route to 2016. They’d suddenly be faced with an incumbent who might appeal to Independents. He might even start looking like one of those rare politicians that voters yearn for, but never find. One who can stand up to both parties.