A Jobs Plan
February 19, 2012 - by
A Democratic TAPster offers these thoughts “Re – Caterpillar and others over the past several months:
“If I were running for governor (and I’m not but have to admit I think I could beat the current group of contenders) I would come out in favor of corporate incentives. I would state I will not let any other state out-bid us and we are open for companies that can provide great jobs. We will build roads, create infrastructure , train the workers and give the necessary tax incentives to get them to locate in North Carolina. And we’ll provide like incentives for companies, small and large, already here to grow their businesses. Let the Republicans counter with their precious ‘philosophy’ of no corporate welfare. That should provide them with about 20% of the vote. This would shake things up.”

A Jobs Plan
February 19, 2012/

A Democratic TAPster offers these thoughts “Re – Caterpillar and others over the past several months:
“If I were running for governor (and I’m not but have to admit I think I could beat the current group of contenders) I would come out in favor of corporate incentives. I would state I will not let any other state out-bid us and we are open for companies that can provide great jobs. We will build roads, create infrastructure , train the workers and give the necessary tax incentives to get them to locate in North Carolina. And we’ll provide like incentives for companies, small and large, already here to grow their businesses. Let the Republicans counter with their precious ‘philosophy’ of no corporate welfare. That should provide them with about 20% of the vote. This would shake things up.”