A Good Book
August 22, 2011 - by
Yesterday was a day the locust ate – everything that could go wrong did and there were no simple solutions. If it could go wrong it did. A television ad jumped the tracks, a website derailed, a mailing imploded. Three train wrecks in three hours.
Then, that night, when I got home instead of having the good sense to open a good book, I opened the News and Observer and read: U.S. Foes took $360M in Afghan Aid. The Army was having a rough day too. $360 million in foreign aid American tax payers sent to Afghanistan ended up in the hands of people we have spent a decade fighting. The good news is only a part of the money went to the Taliban and terrorists – the bad news is the rest ended up in the pockets of crooks and corrupt politicians.
Here in Raleigh, the School Board Chairman Ron Margiotta also had a rough day too. After a year battling to end busing (or what liberals call ‘diversity’ in the schools) the Chairman received the new Superintendant of Schools’ student assignment plan – which recommended keeping ‘diversity.’
And, Warren Buffett announced the rich should pay more taxes. It’s usually hard to argue with a billionaire when he says it’s wrong a secretary pays a higher percentage of taxes than he does – especially when he follows it up with an offer to pay a million dollars to anyone who can prove he’s wrong. Answering Mr. Buffett gave Senate and House Republican Leaders a tough day – in the end all they could come up with to rebut him was to say, If Warren Buffett wants to pay more taxes why doesn’t he just do it – I’m sure the Treasury would take a voluntary donation.
At that point I did open a good book.

A Good Book
August 22, 2011/

Yesterday was a day the locust ate – everything that could go wrong did and there were no simple solutions. If it could go wrong it did. A television ad jumped the tracks, a website derailed, a mailing imploded. Three train wrecks in three hours.
Then, that night, when I got home instead of having the good sense to open a good book, I opened the News and Observer and read: U.S. Foes took $360M in Afghan Aid. The Army was having a rough day too. $360 million in foreign aid American tax payers sent to Afghanistan ended up in the hands of people we have spent a decade fighting. The good news is only a part of the money went to the Taliban and terrorists – the bad news is the rest ended up in the pockets of crooks and corrupt politicians.
Here in Raleigh, the School Board Chairman Ron Margiotta also had a rough day too. After a year battling to end busing (or what liberals call ‘diversity’ in the schools) the Chairman received the new Superintendant of Schools’ student assignment plan – which recommended keeping ‘diversity.’
And, Warren Buffett announced the rich should pay more taxes. It’s usually hard to argue with a billionaire when he says it’s wrong a secretary pays a higher percentage of taxes than he does – especially when he follows it up with an offer to pay a million dollars to anyone who can prove he’s wrong. Answering Mr. Buffett gave Senate and House Republican Leaders a tough day – in the end all they could come up with to rebut him was to say, If Warren Buffett wants to pay more taxes why doesn’t he just do it – I’m sure the Treasury would take a voluntary donation.
At that point I did open a good book.