A Democratic Pope?
“A campaign finance report received Tuesday by the Wake County Board of Elections shows that the 527 group received $25,000 last Tuesday from the N.C. Futures Action Fund, the group led by Dean Debnam. This comes after the more than $52,000 that Common Sense Matters spent on mailers going after Losurdo and school board chairman Ron Margiotta before Oct. 11.
“When you throw in the other Democratic-leaning 501 and 527 groups that were involved pre-Oct. 11, tens of thousands of dollars more could be spent in the next three weeks in mailers and television ads to defeat Losurdo.”

A Democratic Pope?

“A campaign finance report received Tuesday by the Wake County Board of Elections shows that the 527 group received $25,000 last Tuesday from the N.C. Futures Action Fund, the group led by Dean Debnam. This comes after the more than $52,000 that Common Sense Matters spent on mailers going after Losurdo and school board chairman Ron Margiotta before Oct. 11.
“When you throw in the other Democratic-leaning 501 and 527 groups that were involved pre-Oct. 11, tens of thousands of dollars more could be spent in the next three weeks in mailers and television ads to defeat Losurdo.”