A Comedy of the Absurd

Five members of the School Board are up for re-election this fall and School Superintendent Del Burns’ decision to cashier high-school teacher Robert Escamilla may land right in their laps.

Mr. Escamilla teaches – or did teach until Burns demoted him – at Enloe High School. For twenty-four years, he has received good to exemplary reviews. Now, suddenly, overnight he’s not qualified. Burns has given him a twelve page reprimand, a “horrendous” year end review and, in effect, a demotion (News and Observer, 6-13-07). The Chairman of Escamilla’s department summed it up this way. She said, He’s a “sacrificial lamb.”

What happened? Escamilla invited an Egyptian Christian – recommended by one of his students – to speak to his class. The Egyptian said, “A Muslim may say to you, Islam is a religion of peace. It’s not true. Don’t believe it.” He also gave out pamphlets unflattering to Muslims.

Two parents complained.

At first, according to the newspapers, Escamilla’s principal stood behind him. Then one parent called in the Council of American-Islamic Relations – a sort of Muslim anti-defamation society. Then a group called First Amendment Foundation piled on. Then the old reliable – the ACLU – showed up and all hell broke loose.

What chance did one well-meaning but naïve social-studies teacher from Enloe have?

Superintendent Burns collapsed under the assault like an empty shirt. He put Escamilla on a three months leave and ordered him to never, ever speak to the press. So while the ACLU was talking to the press and the Muslims were talking to the press, Mr. Escamilla was, officially, muzzled. Once he’d been thoroughly ‘tarred and feathered’ Burns reprimanded him and transferred him. Then – on behalf of the School Board – Burns apologized to Muslims.

(There’s a peculiar twist in the story: Mr. Escamilla once invited a student who called himself a Satanist to speak to his class and Mr. Burns didn’t raise an eyebrow.)

Last week, Mr. Escamilla appealed Burns’ reprimand. Personally, I hope the appeal lands in front of the School Board a week before the election. Then, maybe, Superintendent Burns can explain it to voters for them.

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Carter Wrenn



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A Comedy of the Absurd

Five members of the School Board are up for re-election this fall and School Superintendent Del Burns’ decision to cashier high-school teacher Robert Escamilla may land right in their laps.

Mr. Escamilla teaches – or did teach until Burns demoted him – at Enloe High School. For twenty-four years, he has received good to exemplary reviews. Now, suddenly, overnight he’s not qualified. Burns has given him a twelve page reprimand, a “horrendous” year end review and, in effect, a demotion (News and Observer, 6-13-07). The Chairman of Escamilla’s department summed it up this way. She said, He’s a “sacrificial lamb.”

What happened? Escamilla invited an Egyptian Christian – recommended by one of his students – to speak to his class. The Egyptian said, “A Muslim may say to you, Islam is a religion of peace. It’s not true. Don’t believe it.” He also gave out pamphlets unflattering to Muslims.

Two parents complained.

At first, according to the newspapers, Escamilla’s principal stood behind him. Then one parent called in the Council of American-Islamic Relations – a sort of Muslim anti-defamation society. Then a group called First Amendment Foundation piled on. Then the old reliable – the ACLU – showed up and all hell broke loose.

What chance did one well-meaning but naïve social-studies teacher from Enloe have?

Superintendent Burns collapsed under the assault like an empty shirt. He put Escamilla on a three months leave and ordered him to never, ever speak to the press. So while the ACLU was talking to the press and the Muslims were talking to the press, Mr. Escamilla was, officially, muzzled. Once he’d been thoroughly ‘tarred and feathered’ Burns reprimanded him and transferred him. Then – on behalf of the School Board – Burns apologized to Muslims.

(There’s a peculiar twist in the story: Mr. Escamilla once invited a student who called himself a Satanist to speak to his class and Mr. Burns didn’t raise an eyebrow.)

Last week, Mr. Escamilla appealed Burns’ reprimand. Personally, I hope the appeal lands in front of the School Board a week before the election. Then, maybe, Superintendent Burns can explain it to voters for them.

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Carter Wrenn

