A Call From 60 Minutes
September 1, 2011 - by
Back in 1985 I got a call from George Crile a producer at 60 Minutes who said he and Mike Wallace wanted to come to Raleigh to interview Tom Ellis and me.
I thought, An interview with 60 Minutes – what’s the difference in that and sticking your head in a lion’s mouth? I said:
“I reckon you know the chances of Tom Ellis interviewing Mike Wallace are slim and none, and you don’t have a much better chance with me.”
He said: “I’m doing a profile of Bob Harris.”
Among the folks who worked in Jesse Helms campaigns Bob Harris was a legend. Confined to a wheelchair with a rare muscular disease he came to work in Jesse’s 1978 campaign as a researcher; for two years in the early 80’s he ran Jesse’s massive national direct mail operation, then in 1982 his disease came out of remission – after that, confined to his bed, he returned to his first love as a researcher.
A lot of people still remember the ‘Where do you stand, Jim?’ ads Jesse did when he ran against Jim Hunt. What has been lost to history is that every one of those 8 ads was written by Bob Harris – they came straight out of his research and brain and today hardly anyone doubts they were the turning point in Jesse’s 1984 campaign.
A mutual friend had told George Crile about Bob and Mike Wallace’s profile of Bob Harris lead off 60 Minutes fall season in 1985.
This year – still confined to his bed – Bob is supporting Michele Bachmann for President; more than just supporting her he’s formed his own ‘Super PAC’ (funding it with his own money) so he can run ads to help elect Bachmann. Right now, he’s running an ad in South Carolina about Rick Perry’s record on spending as Governor of Texas. If you’re inclined and of a like mind with Bob Harris send Keep Conservatives United a contribution. He’ll run more ads.

A Call From 60 Minutes
September 1, 2011/

Back in 1985 I got a call from George Crile a producer at 60 Minutes who said he and Mike Wallace wanted to come to Raleigh to interview Tom Ellis and me.
I thought, An interview with 60 Minutes – what’s the difference in that and sticking your head in a lion’s mouth? I said:
“I reckon you know the chances of Tom Ellis interviewing Mike Wallace are slim and none, and you don’t have a much better chance with me.”
He said: “I’m doing a profile of Bob Harris.”
Among the folks who worked in Jesse Helms campaigns Bob Harris was a legend. Confined to a wheelchair with a rare muscular disease he came to work in Jesse’s 1978 campaign as a researcher; for two years in the early 80’s he ran Jesse’s massive national direct mail operation, then in 1982 his disease came out of remission – after that, confined to his bed, he returned to his first love as a researcher.
A lot of people still remember the ‘Where do you stand, Jim?’ ads Jesse did when he ran against Jim Hunt. What has been lost to history is that every one of those 8 ads was written by Bob Harris – they came straight out of his research and brain and today hardly anyone doubts they were the turning point in Jesse’s 1984 campaign.
A mutual friend had told George Crile about Bob and Mike Wallace’s profile of Bob Harris lead off 60 Minutes fall season in 1985.
This year – still confined to his bed – Bob is supporting Michele Bachmann for President; more than just supporting her he’s formed his own ‘Super PAC’ (funding it with his own money) so he can run ads to help elect Bachmann. Right now, he’s running an ad in South Carolina about Rick Perry’s record on spending as Governor of Texas. If you’re inclined and of a like mind with Bob Harris send Keep Conservatives United a contribution. He’ll run more ads.