A Bit of Stress for Democrats
There are more cross currents in the Democratic Presidential primaries than a hurricane. It’s got everything. Race. Sex. Money. Let’s – gingerly – explore race. Hispanics vote for Hillary (or, more to the point, against Obama) two to one. Asian-Americans vote for Hillary (and against Obama) eight to one. African-Americans vote for Obama four to one. Blue collar Democrats in Then there’s sex. Women prefer Hillary. But white men – from Of course, none of this means the people voting in Democratic primaries are racist or sexist. A blue collar Democrat in And a young woman clawing her way up the corporate ladder may identify with Hillary – and not Obama – because in her world it’s the men – the suits – holding her back. But, nonetheless, all this is creating a bit of stress in the Democratic Party. And could create a lot more.

A Bit of Stress for Democrats

There are more cross currents in the Democratic Presidential primaries than a hurricane. It’s got everything. Race. Sex. Money. Let’s – gingerly – explore race. Hispanics vote for Hillary (or, more to the point, against Obama) two to one. Asian-Americans vote for Hillary (and against Obama) eight to one. African-Americans vote for Obama four to one. Blue collar Democrats in Then there’s sex. Women prefer Hillary. But white men – from Of course, none of this means the people voting in Democratic primaries are racist or sexist. A blue collar Democrat in And a young woman clawing her way up the corporate ladder may identify with Hillary – and not Obama – because in her world it’s the men – the suits – holding her back. But, nonetheless, all this is creating a bit of stress in the Democratic Party. And could create a lot more.