A Bigger Swamp…
August 28, 2012 - by
Unless you happen to be one of the half-dozen people in Raleigh who do not own a television you’ve figured out by now that both sides in the Presidential race mean to do whatever it takes to win. This virulent outbreak of no holds barred politics has some folks worried we’ve stumbled into a kind of moral swamp, but no holds barred politics isn’t our biggest national vice by a long shot.
Yesterday, the newspaper reported two American soldiers were killed in Afghanistan.
Why were they there? We long ago gave up on winning the war – so why haven’t we done what democracies usually do when they get in this kind of fix: Declare victory, tuck tail, and run?
Venal politics is one thing. But senseless wars are a lot deeper swamp than getting gulled by politicians.

A Bigger Swamp…
August 28, 2012/

Unless you happen to be one of the half-dozen people in Raleigh who do not own a television you’ve figured out by now that both sides in the Presidential race mean to do whatever it takes to win. This virulent outbreak of no holds barred politics has some folks worried we’ve stumbled into a kind of moral swamp, but no holds barred politics isn’t our biggest national vice by a long shot.
Yesterday, the newspaper reported two American soldiers were killed in Afghanistan.
Why were they there? We long ago gave up on winning the war – so why haven’t we done what democracies usually do when they get in this kind of fix: Declare victory, tuck tail, and run?
Venal politics is one thing. But senseless wars are a lot deeper swamp than getting gulled by politicians.