A + B = C
Follow this logic:
A. Mayor Meeker’s law firm has received $75,000 for work on the downtown Convention Center.
B. Mayor Meeker’s law firm has – for years – represented the Triangle Transit Authority.
C. As Mayor, Meeker supports spending $190 million to build the Convention Center and $800 million to build the TTA’s Light Rail Project.
Sometimes, politics really isn’t that complicated.
It’s as easy as A + B = C.

A + B = C

Follow this logic:
A. Mayor Meeker’s law firm has received $75,000 for work on the downtown Convention Center.
B. Mayor Meeker’s law firm has – for years – represented the Triangle Transit Authority.
C. As Mayor, Meeker supports spending $190 million to build the Convention Center and $800 million to build the TTA’s Light Rail Project.
Sometimes, politics really isn’t that complicated.
It’s as easy as A + B = C.