NC Loss and Gain for Edwards

North Carolina stands to both lose and gain from John Edwards dropping out.

We lose a front-row seat in an exciting presidential race. The biggest losers are reporters like Rob Christensen and Mark Johnson. Now they have to stay home and cover dull races like Senate and Governor.

But maybe – if things work out – the Democratic race will go on and on and on. For so long that even North Carolina’s May primary counts. Maybe we can be the kingmaker.

Don’t count on it.

But here is what you can count on. Edwards will not be North Carolina’s last presidential candidate.

As Christensen has pointed out, anybody who can win a Senate or Governor’s race in North Carolina – a politically competitive, diverse megastate – automatically becomes grist for the national mentioning mill.

Senator Burr has been mentioned as a running mate for John McCain. Governor Easley has been mentioned. Elizabeth Dole already ran for President. Way back in the 20th Century, Terry Sanford ran for President and Jim Hunt could have if he had beaten Jesse Helms in 1984. Helms himself was even nominated at one GOP convention.

This year, the new Governor and new Senator (if there is one) could be walking onto a national stage.

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Gary Pearce



NC Loss and Gain for Edwards

North Carolina stands to both lose and gain from John Edwards dropping out.

We lose a front-row seat in an exciting presidential race. The biggest losers are reporters like Rob Christensen and Mark Johnson. Now they have to stay home and cover dull races like Senate and Governor.

But maybe – if things work out – the Democratic race will go on and on and on. For so long that even North Carolina’s May primary counts. Maybe we can be the kingmaker.

Don’t count on it.

But here is what you can count on. Edwards will not be North Carolina’s last presidential candidate.

As Christensen has pointed out, anybody who can win a Senate or Governor’s race in North Carolina – a politically competitive, diverse megastate – automatically becomes grist for the national mentioning mill.

Senator Burr has been mentioned as a running mate for John McCain. Governor Easley has been mentioned. Elizabeth Dole already ran for President. Way back in the 20th Century, Terry Sanford ran for President and Jim Hunt could have if he had beaten Jesse Helms in 1984. Helms himself was even nominated at one GOP convention.

This year, the new Governor and new Senator (if there is one) could be walking onto a national stage.

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Gary Pearce

