New Hampshire Change-up?

OK, OK, we’ve answered one question. The presidential race is all about “change.” But here is a baker’s dozen (plus one) other questions about New Hampshire Tuesday:

  1. Will New Hampshire voters be content to “finish what Iowa started,” as Obama suggests?

  1. Or will these notoriously independent Yankees revive the Clinton campaign?

  1. Obama says his campaign is about “hope, not fear.” When John Edwards won the Senate race in North Carolina in 1998, his first words were: “Tonight, the people of North Carolina voted their hopes instead of their fears.” How did Edwards let Obama become the candidate of hope?

  1. What quality do New Hampshire voters most want in their President: Hope, Anger or Ready?

  1. How much of Obama’s appeal is that he simply makes people feel good about their country? Like Ronald Reagan?

  1. Whatever happened to George Bush (43)? He has disappeared.

  1. And where’s Clinton (42)? He disappeared over the weekend. Apparently, he’s spending plenty of time on background knifing Hillary’s strategists.

  1. Which may answer this question: Why do her signs say “Hillary,” not “Clinton”?

  1. Why are the Clinton and Edwards campaigns so angry at the media? Or is it obvious?

  1. Will Edwards ever be forced to give a concession speech? He never conceded to Kerry, nor after he and Kerry lost, nor after Iowa. And he said this morning he’s in the race to the convention.

  1. Does Mike Huckabee have the fastest wit on the campaign trail, or what? His best zinger: When Mitt Romney told him to stop mischaracterizing his position, Huckabee shot back: “Which one?”

  1. What did Clinton mean in the debate when she said she’d been “making change for 35 years”? It sounds like she’s been working at Harris-Teeter.

  1. Have we reached a point in presidential politics where candidates, like milk, need a freshness date? Or do you get too stale once you’ve been on the national scene a few years? We’ll find out if the nominees are Obama and McCain.

  1. Can Obama really beat McCain?

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Gary Pearce



New Hampshire Change-up?

OK, OK, we’ve answered one question. The presidential race is all about “change.” But here is a baker’s dozen (plus one) other questions about New Hampshire Tuesday:

  1. Will New Hampshire voters be content to “finish what Iowa started,” as Obama suggests?

  1. Or will these notoriously independent Yankees revive the Clinton campaign?

  1. Obama says his campaign is about “hope, not fear.” When John Edwards won the Senate race in North Carolina in 1998, his first words were: “Tonight, the people of North Carolina voted their hopes instead of their fears.” How did Edwards let Obama become the candidate of hope?

  1. What quality do New Hampshire voters most want in their President: Hope, Anger or Ready?

  1. How much of Obama’s appeal is that he simply makes people feel good about their country? Like Ronald Reagan?

  1. Whatever happened to George Bush (43)? He has disappeared.

  1. And where’s Clinton (42)? He disappeared over the weekend. Apparently, he’s spending plenty of time on background knifing Hillary’s strategists.

  1. Which may answer this question: Why do her signs say “Hillary,” not “Clinton”?

  1. Why are the Clinton and Edwards campaigns so angry at the media? Or is it obvious?

  1. Will Edwards ever be forced to give a concession speech? He never conceded to Kerry, nor after he and Kerry lost, nor after Iowa. And he said this morning he’s in the race to the convention.

  1. Does Mike Huckabee have the fastest wit on the campaign trail, or what? His best zinger: When Mitt Romney told him to stop mischaracterizing his position, Huckabee shot back: “Which one?”

  1. What did Clinton mean in the debate when she said she’d been “making change for 35 years”? It sounds like she’s been working at Harris-Teeter.

  1. Have we reached a point in presidential politics where candidates, like milk, need a freshness date? Or do you get too stale once you’ve been on the national scene a few years? We’ll find out if the nominees are Obama and McCain.

  1. Can Obama really beat McCain?

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Gary Pearce

