An Odd Thing

Trump got down to brass tacks, posting: There will be no more debates.

Harris baited Trump, poked him saying people walked out of his rallies bored – Trump took the bait, the debate rolled downhill.

Later, standing in the ‘Spin Room,’ Trump cooed he’d won the debate. But how often does a politician win a debate and say, No more.

Holding press briefings during coronavirus, grasping the edges of the White House podium, Trump told people, We have it under controlit will go awaythe tests are perfect. It wasn’t under control, didn’t go away, and the tests didn’t work. Trump harpooned his own credibility. Biden stayed hidden in his basement. And won. Trump said Biden stole the election.

Now Trump’s saying the debate was rigged – Harris, David Muir, and Lindsey Davis all lined up against him. That led one wit to quip it wasn’t 3 to 1 against Trump it was 4 to 1 – Trump’s biggest enemy wasn’t Harris or Muir or Davis it was Trump.

To defeat Harris in November, Trump has to shore up his support with two tribes of voters: Republicans who dislike both Trump and Harris – and Independents. Neither of those tribes – when they hear pundits spinning tales on the internet, on TV, in newspapers – buys hokum. Trump and Harris facing each other, one on one, debating, got them past hokum.

Debates are like prize fights – when you get knocked down you pick yourself up and climb back into the ring. Instead, Trump’s going back to doing rallies. But a whopping 67 million people watched the debate – if Trump holds a rally every day from now to the election he can’t reach anywhere near that many people. So why does Trump say no to another debate?

Harris bruised his pride at the debate. And, like Bluto the bully in Popeye the Sailorman cartoons, he doesn’t want to get bruised again. But that comes with a price.

Trump once said when Harris met with Putin, to tell him not to attack Ukraine, Putin laughed at her because she’s weak – while he, Trump, is strong. Harris made the debate about character. We now have an election on our hands about character. Would a strong man say, No more debates?

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Carter Wrenn




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An Odd Thing


Trump got down to brass tacks, posting: There will be no more debates.

Harris baited Trump, poked him saying people walked out of his rallies bored – Trump took the bait, the debate rolled downhill.

Later, standing in the ‘Spin Room,’ Trump cooed he’d won the debate. But how often does a politician win a debate and say, No more.

Holding press briefings during coronavirus, grasping the edges of the White House podium, Trump told people, We have it under controlit will go awaythe tests are perfect. It wasn’t under control, didn’t go away, and the tests didn’t work. Trump harpooned his own credibility. Biden stayed hidden in his basement. And won. Trump said Biden stole the election.

Now Trump’s saying the debate was rigged – Harris, David Muir, and Lindsey Davis all lined up against him. That led one wit to quip it wasn’t 3 to 1 against Trump it was 4 to 1 – Trump’s biggest enemy wasn’t Harris or Muir or Davis it was Trump.

To defeat Harris in November, Trump has to shore up his support with two tribes of voters: Republicans who dislike both Trump and Harris – and Independents. Neither of those tribes – when they hear pundits spinning tales on the internet, on TV, in newspapers – buys hokum. Trump and Harris facing each other, one on one, debating, got them past hokum.

Debates are like prize fights – when you get knocked down you pick yourself up and climb back into the ring. Instead, Trump’s going back to doing rallies. But a whopping 67 million people watched the debate – if Trump holds a rally every day from now to the election he can’t reach anywhere near that many people. So why does Trump say no to another debate?

Harris bruised his pride at the debate. And, like Bluto the bully in Popeye the Sailorman cartoons, he doesn’t want to get bruised again. But that comes with a price.

Trump once said when Harris met with Putin, to tell him not to attack Ukraine, Putin laughed at her because she’s weak – while he, Trump, is strong. Harris made the debate about character. We now have an election on our hands about character. Would a strong man say, No more debates?

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Carter Wrenn

