Echoing Neville Chamberlain

Back during the Cold War, veterans who’d fought in World War II watched Vietnam, Cuba, countries in Africa, Asia, Central America fall to the Soviet Union; determined to stop Russia, conservatives, like Ronald Reagan, said three words: ‘Peace through strength’ – liberals answered: ‘Détente.’

It looks like we’re heading into a new Cold War with Russia and China and Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene just said, “Congress shouldn’t spend one more penny” to stop Putin in Ukraine – while Biden, who in the old days supported détente, says, ‘We have to help Ukraine.’ Times have changed.

Republican presidential candidates are divided too: Trump and DeSantis say cut aid to Ukraine. Pence and Christie don’t. Who’s right?

Folks like Marjorie Taylor Greene like to say, ‘Ukraine’s not our problem’ – but will taking Ukraine satisfy Putin? Will he stop?

Neville Chamberlain flew to Munich, made a deal, flew home to London, announced he’d brought ‘peace in our time.’ Donald Trump purrs he ‘can end the Ukraine War in 24 hours.’ Are we hearing an echo of Chamberlain?

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Carter Wrenn




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Echoing Neville Chamberlain


Back during the Cold War, veterans who’d fought in World War II watched Vietnam, Cuba, countries in Africa, Asia, Central America fall to the Soviet Union; determined to stop Russia, conservatives, like Ronald Reagan, said three words: ‘Peace through strength’ – liberals answered: ‘Détente.’

It looks like we’re heading into a new Cold War with Russia and China and Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene just said, “Congress shouldn’t spend one more penny” to stop Putin in Ukraine – while Biden, who in the old days supported détente, says, ‘We have to help Ukraine.’ Times have changed.

Republican presidential candidates are divided too: Trump and DeSantis say cut aid to Ukraine. Pence and Christie don’t. Who’s right?

Folks like Marjorie Taylor Greene like to say, ‘Ukraine’s not our problem’ – but will taking Ukraine satisfy Putin? Will he stop?

Neville Chamberlain flew to Munich, made a deal, flew home to London, announced he’d brought ‘peace in our time.’ Donald Trump purrs he ‘can end the Ukraine War in 24 hours.’ Are we hearing an echo of Chamberlain?

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Carter Wrenn

