Democrats Should Pump It Up

In honor of Memorial Day, congressional Democrats decided they were better off politically not to be seen as cutting off money for American troops in Iraq.

That’s smart. It’s also smart to jump on another issue that resonates at Memorial Day: gas prices.

A very smart North Carolina Democrat asked me this week, “Why haven’t we heard a peep from Democrats in Washington about gas prices?” After all, the price at the pump is higher today than it was after Katrina.

The only politician he had seen talking about gas prices was a Republican: Florida Governor Charlie Crist. (For more on Crist, see my earlier blog “Bicoastal GOP.”)

What about it, Democrats?

You sure aren’t going to hear that great Texas Oilman George Bush complaining about high gas prices.

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Gary Pearce



Democrats Should Pump It Up

In honor of Memorial Day, congressional Democrats decided they were better off politically not to be seen as cutting off money for American troops in Iraq.

That’s smart. It’s also smart to jump on another issue that resonates at Memorial Day: gas prices.

A very smart North Carolina Democrat asked me this week, “Why haven’t we heard a peep from Democrats in Washington about gas prices?” After all, the price at the pump is higher today than it was after Katrina.

The only politician he had seen talking about gas prices was a Republican: Florida Governor Charlie Crist. (For more on Crist, see my earlier blog “Bicoastal GOP.”)

What about it, Democrats?

You sure aren’t going to hear that great Texas Oilman George Bush complaining about high gas prices.

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Gary Pearce

