Clicking the N&O continued…

My post Clicking The N&O got as many likes, clicks and comments as anything lately. As I understand today’s journalism, that means do another post on it.

Here we go.

One TAP reader was struck by John Drescher’s explanation of Barry Saunders’ departure. John wrote:

“We’ve let go of some features that had a limited digital readership. We’ve dropped the weekly news quiz; the Thumbs Up youth achievement page; the Past Times column from our archives; and Barry Saunders’ column. We’ve eliminated the metro columnist job because those columns weren’t resonating with our digital readers.”

Said the reader:

“Poor Barry. Thrown in and tossed out with the weekly news quiz, Thumbs Up and Past Times. That smarts.”

Another TAP reader recalled how newspapers used to deride TV stations for running audience-pleasing shows that entertained instead of educating and enlightening. TV was a captive of audience ratings, the newspapers said loftily.

Same for politicians and polls. How many editorials have you read that called on politicians to do what’s right, not what polls say is popular?

Oh well. Live and learn.

Finally, a subscriber to the print paper realized that since she reads and doesn’t click, the N&O doesn’t know what she likes. So now she goes online and clicks the stories she likes. She gets her friends and family to do the same.

Let’s all join in. If you get the print edition, you get digital access. Go online. Click on your favorite stories. Click on your favorite reporters. Click on them five or 10 times, for that matter. Click away. Click to your heart’s content. Tell them what stories they should do tomorrow. Be more powerful than an editor.

Get clicking.

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Gary Pearce



Clicking the N&O continued…

My post Clicking The N&O got as many likes, clicks and comments as anything lately. As I understand today’s journalism, that means do another post on it.

Here we go.

One TAP reader was struck by John Drescher’s explanation of Barry Saunders’ departure. John wrote:

“We’ve let go of some features that had a limited digital readership. We’ve dropped the weekly news quiz; the Thumbs Up youth achievement page; the Past Times column from our archives; and Barry Saunders’ column. We’ve eliminated the metro columnist job because those columns weren’t resonating with our digital readers.”

Said the reader:

“Poor Barry. Thrown in and tossed out with the weekly news quiz, Thumbs Up and Past Times. That smarts.”

Another TAP reader recalled how newspapers used to deride TV stations for running audience-pleasing shows that entertained instead of educating and enlightening. TV was a captive of audience ratings, the newspapers said loftily.

Same for politicians and polls. How many editorials have you read that called on politicians to do what’s right, not what polls say is popular?

Oh well. Live and learn.

Finally, a subscriber to the print paper realized that since she reads and doesn’t click, the N&O doesn’t know what she likes. So now she goes online and clicks the stories she likes. She gets her friends and family to do the same.

Let’s all join in. If you get the print edition, you get digital access. Go online. Click on your favorite stories. Click on your favorite reporters. Click on them five or 10 times, for that matter. Click away. Click to your heart’s content. Tell them what stories they should do tomorrow. Be more powerful than an editor.

Get clicking.

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Gary Pearce

