Playing Politics With Justice

President Bush says there was “nothing improper” about the U.S. Attorney firings. Strictly speaking, he’s right. U.S. Attorneys come and go with every administration.

Karl Rove says of the whole flap: “It’s all a lot of politics.” He’s right: A lot of politics by the Bush Administration.

Bush likes to pose as the principled leader unaffected by polls and political considerations. The same way he posed as a military pilot and proclaimed “mission accomplished” in Iraq. In truth, the Bush White House is all politics, all the time.

The administration, starting with the Vice President, was so paranoid about political enemies they blew the cover of an American intelligence agent. Suppose Clinton had done that. The Republicans would have impeached him again.

The U.S. Attorneys weren’t being screened for effectiveness, but for “loyalty to the President.” And apparently for their responsiveness to Republicans who wanted Democrats investigated and prosecuted.

It doesn’t excuse what former Speaker Jim Black did, but it makes you wonder what marching orders the U.S. Attorneys in North Carolina got from their political higher-ups in Washington.

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Gary Pearce



Playing Politics With Justice

President Bush says there was “nothing improper” about the U.S. Attorney firings. Strictly speaking, he’s right. U.S. Attorneys come and go with every administration.

Karl Rove says of the whole flap: “It’s all a lot of politics.” He’s right: A lot of politics by the Bush Administration.

Bush likes to pose as the principled leader unaffected by polls and political considerations. The same way he posed as a military pilot and proclaimed “mission accomplished” in Iraq. In truth, the Bush White House is all politics, all the time.

The administration, starting with the Vice President, was so paranoid about political enemies they blew the cover of an American intelligence agent. Suppose Clinton had done that. The Republicans would have impeached him again.

The U.S. Attorneys weren’t being screened for effectiveness, but for “loyalty to the President.” And apparently for their responsiveness to Republicans who wanted Democrats investigated and prosecuted.

It doesn’t excuse what former Speaker Jim Black did, but it makes you wonder what marching orders the U.S. Attorneys in North Carolina got from their political higher-ups in Washington.

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Gary Pearce

