Deep Throats

A high-ranking FBI official (Mark Felt, aka Deep Throat) and The Washington Post took down Richard Nixon’s presidency.

FBI Director James Comey and the media echo chamber took down Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Now Trump compares American intelligence services with Nazis and declares that the media is the enemy.

Where does this lead?

A TAPster passes along this blog (“Our Praetorian guard”) from Eric Posner, a law professor at the University of Chicago:

“Intelligence officials are going after Trump with a vengeance. This has been building for weeks, but I wonder whether the last straw was the farce at Mar-a-lago, where Trump and top officials debated how the U.S. should respond to North Korea’s missile test in front of paying guests. One guest apparently posed for a picture of himself and a military officer holding a briefcase with the nuclear launch codes.

“It seems possible that the intelligence community can live with being compared to Nazis, but the Mar-a-lago debacle deeply offended its sense of professionalism. Why take so many precautions if the president takes none? Reports are circulating that intelligence officials are concealing some sensitive information from the president. Let’s face it: Trump is a bozo, and the intelligence community is trying to figure out how to contain him. This is comforting, but the question has to be asked, what price will it charge us in return?”

Intelligence agents know a lot of things. Including how to leak what they know to the media. What will they leak about Trump?


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Gary Pearce



Deep Throats

A high-ranking FBI official (Mark Felt, aka Deep Throat) and The Washington Post took down Richard Nixon’s presidency.

FBI Director James Comey and the media echo chamber took down Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Now Trump compares American intelligence services with Nazis and declares that the media is the enemy.

Where does this lead?

A TAPster passes along this blog (“Our Praetorian guard”) from Eric Posner, a law professor at the University of Chicago:

“Intelligence officials are going after Trump with a vengeance. This has been building for weeks, but I wonder whether the last straw was the farce at Mar-a-lago, where Trump and top officials debated how the U.S. should respond to North Korea’s missile test in front of paying guests. One guest apparently posed for a picture of himself and a military officer holding a briefcase with the nuclear launch codes.

“It seems possible that the intelligence community can live with being compared to Nazis, but the Mar-a-lago debacle deeply offended its sense of professionalism. Why take so many precautions if the president takes none? Reports are circulating that intelligence officials are concealing some sensitive information from the president. Let’s face it: Trump is a bozo, and the intelligence community is trying to figure out how to contain him. This is comforting, but the question has to be asked, what price will it charge us in return?”

Intelligence agents know a lot of things. Including how to leak what they know to the media. What will they leak about Trump?


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Gary Pearce

