The Curse

He’s been a TV star, a Master Dealmaker, and a mega-tycoon but success failed to make him popular. But, a year ago, after Donald Trump announced he was running for President his unpopularity didn’t matter: Because a curse settled on his opponents.

Trump was elected due to his opponents’ vices not his virtues.

Now, post-election, unabated the howls continue: I heard on NPR last week that ‘Trump’s a racist’ (for being against Muslims) and read in the New York Times that ‘Trump takes hair growth drugs.’ But none of it matters. Trump’s invulnerable. Until the day he faces an opponent who doesn’t bear the curse of unpopularity.

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Carter Wrenn



The Curse

He’s been a TV star, a Master Dealmaker, and a mega-tycoon but success failed to make him popular. But, a year ago, after Donald Trump announced he was running for President his unpopularity didn’t matter: Because a curse settled on his opponents.

Trump was elected due to his opponents’ vices not his virtues.

Now, post-election, unabated the howls continue: I heard on NPR last week that ‘Trump’s a racist’ (for being against Muslims) and read in the New York Times that ‘Trump takes hair growth drugs.’ But none of it matters. Trump’s invulnerable. Until the day he faces an opponent who doesn’t bear the curse of unpopularity.

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Carter Wrenn

