Darkness is Bi-partisan

The other morning laying in bed, opening John’s Gospel I read: Truth is the road to light.

Later that morning in my office opening the newspaper I read a new poll (by The Economist) said half of Donald Trump’s voters believe President Obama was born in Kenya (even though Trump now says that’s not so) and half of Hillary’s voters believe Russia tampered with vote tallies to elect Trump (even though the Obama Administration says that’s not so).

The math’s unavoidable: 1) Half Trump’s voters + half Hillary’s voters = half of all voters and 2) darkness is bi-partisan.

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Carter Wrenn



Darkness is Bi-partisan

The other morning laying in bed, opening John’s Gospel I read: Truth is the road to light.

Later that morning in my office opening the newspaper I read a new poll (by The Economist) said half of Donald Trump’s voters believe President Obama was born in Kenya (even though Trump now says that’s not so) and half of Hillary’s voters believe Russia tampered with vote tallies to elect Trump (even though the Obama Administration says that’s not so).

The math’s unavoidable: 1) Half Trump’s voters + half Hillary’s voters = half of all voters and 2) darkness is bi-partisan.

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Carter Wrenn

