Out of the Myst

Rudy Giuliani nailed the key to the election, saying Obama’s inability to speak two words – Islamic Extremists – has consequences; that it already had consequences in San Bernadino and at Fort Hood with Major Nidal.

He was yelling ‘Allah Akbar,’ Guilani said. The only person who couldn’t figure out that was an Islamic terrorist extremist attack was Barack Obama, who called it workplace violence.

Then as soon as Giuliani finished the whole arena went dark and what looked like a myst enveloped the stage and a silhouette walked out of the myst – like a Norse God at Valhalla – as a rock band roared ‘We are the Champions’ and the lights came up and there stood Donald Trump in all his glory.   

The roots of the Republican Party run all the way back to Abraham Lincoln and I wonder what Lincoln – who said ‘It is well to be humble’ – would have made of Trump’s grand entrance?

Donald Trump isn’t proposing treading the road of blood, toil, tears and sweat to defeat ISIS – he’s offering an illusion of himself as Hero.  

And that is an image of Trump, silhouetted in the myst, we are going to see over and over in ad after Democratic ad – because like Lincoln also said, What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself.


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Carter Wrenn



Out of the Myst

Rudy Giuliani nailed the key to the election, saying Obama’s inability to speak two words – Islamic Extremists – has consequences; that it already had consequences in San Bernadino and at Fort Hood with Major Nidal.

He was yelling ‘Allah Akbar,’ Guilani said. The only person who couldn’t figure out that was an Islamic terrorist extremist attack was Barack Obama, who called it workplace violence.

Then as soon as Giuliani finished the whole arena went dark and what looked like a myst enveloped the stage and a silhouette walked out of the myst – like a Norse God at Valhalla – as a rock band roared ‘We are the Champions’ and the lights came up and there stood Donald Trump in all his glory.   

The roots of the Republican Party run all the way back to Abraham Lincoln and I wonder what Lincoln – who said ‘It is well to be humble’ – would have made of Trump’s grand entrance?

Donald Trump isn’t proposing treading the road of blood, toil, tears and sweat to defeat ISIS – he’s offering an illusion of himself as Hero.  

And that is an image of Trump, silhouetted in the myst, we are going to see over and over in ad after Democratic ad – because like Lincoln also said, What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself.


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Carter Wrenn

