GOP crack-up

We’re witnessing an historic falling-out between the two wings that have given flight to the Republican Party since 1968: the Racists and the Elitists.

Since Richard Nixon’s Southern Strategy that year, the Elitists have been able to signal and dog-whistle the Racists enough to keep them inside the tent without offending too many Americans.

But now Donald Trump is shouting instead of dog-whistling. He has roused the Racists by attacking Obama, immigrants and Muslims. He has unapologetically crowned himself the Great White Hope.

Trump is forcing the Elitists – the Paul Ryans, the Pat McCrorys and the Richard Burrs – to show their true colors, if you will. Do they countenance Trump’s attacks, or denounce them? Do they say it disqualifies him for the Presidency, or will they keep twisting themselves into word knots trying to justify their moral cowardice?

The Elitists really aren’t racist, by and large. All they care about is protecting the super-rich and their businesses from taxes and regulations. And, at their owners’ behest, they are deeply committed to uprooting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public education and any other 20th Century idea that made the United States a great middle-class nation.

The Racists have gone along because the Elitists promised to keep You-Know-Who in their place.

Now, You-Know-Who are determined to be full partners in America.

I t is, as Ronald Reagan said at another crossroads for Republicans, “a time for choosing.”


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Gary Pearce



GOP crack-up

We’re witnessing an historic falling-out between the two wings that have given flight to the Republican Party since 1968: the Racists and the Elitists.

Since Richard Nixon’s Southern Strategy that year, the Elitists have been able to signal and dog-whistle the Racists enough to keep them inside the tent without offending too many Americans.

But now Donald Trump is shouting instead of dog-whistling. He has roused the Racists by attacking Obama, immigrants and Muslims. He has unapologetically crowned himself the Great White Hope.

Trump is forcing the Elitists – the Paul Ryans, the Pat McCrorys and the Richard Burrs – to show their true colors, if you will. Do they countenance Trump’s attacks, or denounce them? Do they say it disqualifies him for the Presidency, or will they keep twisting themselves into word knots trying to justify their moral cowardice?

The Elitists really aren’t racist, by and large. All they care about is protecting the super-rich and their businesses from taxes and regulations. And, at their owners’ behest, they are deeply committed to uprooting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public education and any other 20th Century idea that made the United States a great middle-class nation.

The Racists have gone along because the Elitists promised to keep You-Know-Who in their place.

Now, You-Know-Who are determined to be full partners in America.

I t is, as Ronald Reagan said at another crossroads for Republicans, “a time for choosing.”


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Gary Pearce

