
Hillary Clinton’s campaign will spend today and tomorrow proclaiming that the race is over and prodding Bernie Sanders to give up. She hopes he’ll fold easier than she did eight years ago and than Ted Kennedy did in 1980 (which gave us 12 years of Republican Presidents).

You can bet there’s a bitter battle going on inside the Sanders campaign, between the peacemakers (like my friend Tad Devine, I suspect) and the bitter-enders.

It’s hard to give up after you’ve come so far and defied so much conventional wisdom.

Hillary’s supporters need to be patient. It is the duty of young activists to be idealistic, impetuous and impatient. It is the duty of us geezers (sigh) to be realistic, practical and level-headed.

Hard as it is for Sanders supporters to accept, he might be the only candidate Trump could beat. Sanders is way too left and his past is way too radical. Voters just don’t know that yet.

Clinton desperately needs Sanders’ people. If too many of them vote Libertarian in the fall, she loses.

She and her camp need to fully learn the lesson Sanders taught them: Voters are fed up with politics as usual and, especially, with corrupt ties between politicians and the super-rich. The Clintons have become way too comfortable in that lofty air.

Clinton has the bad luck to be a status quo candidate in a change year. She also has the good luck of running against Trump’s truly scary change.

But Trump-fear won’t be enough. Clinton has to give Democrats, Independents and even Republicans something to be for.


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Gary Pearce




Hillary Clinton’s campaign will spend today and tomorrow proclaiming that the race is over and prodding Bernie Sanders to give up. She hopes he’ll fold easier than she did eight years ago and than Ted Kennedy did in 1980 (which gave us 12 years of Republican Presidents).

You can bet there’s a bitter battle going on inside the Sanders campaign, between the peacemakers (like my friend Tad Devine, I suspect) and the bitter-enders.

It’s hard to give up after you’ve come so far and defied so much conventional wisdom.

Hillary’s supporters need to be patient. It is the duty of young activists to be idealistic, impetuous and impatient. It is the duty of us geezers (sigh) to be realistic, practical and level-headed.

Hard as it is for Sanders supporters to accept, he might be the only candidate Trump could beat. Sanders is way too left and his past is way too radical. Voters just don’t know that yet.

Clinton desperately needs Sanders’ people. If too many of them vote Libertarian in the fall, she loses.

She and her camp need to fully learn the lesson Sanders taught them: Voters are fed up with politics as usual and, especially, with corrupt ties between politicians and the super-rich. The Clintons have become way too comfortable in that lofty air.

Clinton has the bad luck to be a status quo candidate in a change year. She also has the good luck of running against Trump’s truly scary change.

But Trump-fear won’t be enough. Clinton has to give Democrats, Independents and even Republicans something to be for.


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Gary Pearce

