GOP: failure to staunch

Staunch, vt., to check the flow of (blood, etc.) – Webster’s

Republicans in our neighboring swing state of Virginia threw all they had behind Marco Rubio to stop Donald Trump. But there was no Marcomentum on Super Tuesday.

Now the GOP seems stuck between Trump and Ted Cruz, who may be even more unelectable in November.

How long will it be before the Rubio Republicans begin telling us (and themselves) that Trump is actually a very fine person and a real leader and, besides, you can’t believe what the media says he says, even when he says it on camera?

They could all do a backflip like Chris Christie did. If so, they’ll need to hide their discomfort better than the would-be VP did last night.

The irony here is rich. A party that for years was happy to traffic in bigotry and burn-down-the-government rhetoric now squirms over a candidate who’s winning with bigotry and burn-down-the-government rhetoric.

The anti-Trump Republicans have two choices. One, deny the nomination to the candidate with the most delegates and most primary wins. Or, two, convince themselves he’s really quite an outstanding human being.

If the latter, the ever-protean and unpredictable Trump will be the nominee, and maybe President.

Wouldn’t it be funny (or, at least, karma) if President Trump then governs like the liberal Democrat he sometimes sounds like? Which would lead us to 2020, which would be a referendum on Trump and a redistricting year.

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Gary Pearce



GOP: failure to staunch

Staunch, vt., to check the flow of (blood, etc.) – Webster’s

Republicans in our neighboring swing state of Virginia threw all they had behind Marco Rubio to stop Donald Trump. But there was no Marcomentum on Super Tuesday.

Now the GOP seems stuck between Trump and Ted Cruz, who may be even more unelectable in November.

How long will it be before the Rubio Republicans begin telling us (and themselves) that Trump is actually a very fine person and a real leader and, besides, you can’t believe what the media says he says, even when he says it on camera?

They could all do a backflip like Chris Christie did. If so, they’ll need to hide their discomfort better than the would-be VP did last night.

The irony here is rich. A party that for years was happy to traffic in bigotry and burn-down-the-government rhetoric now squirms over a candidate who’s winning with bigotry and burn-down-the-government rhetoric.

The anti-Trump Republicans have two choices. One, deny the nomination to the candidate with the most delegates and most primary wins. Or, two, convince themselves he’s really quite an outstanding human being.

If the latter, the ever-protean and unpredictable Trump will be the nominee, and maybe President.

Wouldn’t it be funny (or, at least, karma) if President Trump then governs like the liberal Democrat he sometimes sounds like? Which would lead us to 2020, which would be a referendum on Trump and a redistricting year.

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Gary Pearce

