Bernie’s color barrier

Since Iowa and New Hampshire, the Democratic story line has been Bernie Sanders’s ability to attract and excite young voters (at least, young white voters) and Hillary’s inability to do so, even among young women.

But let’s not get carried away by what happened in two snow-white states.

The math is simple: There aren’t enough white voters of any age to nominate, let alone elect, a President. A Democrat has to energize minority voters. Has to.

And there is a way to this year. Because African-American voters are angry about how Republicans have defied, disrespected and even tried to delegitimize President Obama. And Hispanic voters have seen the true colors, so to speak, of the Republican presidential candidates.

Now come Nevada and then South Carolina. Now comes a bit of color in the picture.

Let’s see if they feel the Bern.


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Gary Pearce



Bernie’s color barrier

Since Iowa and New Hampshire, the Democratic story line has been Bernie Sanders’s ability to attract and excite young voters (at least, young white voters) and Hillary’s inability to do so, even among young women.

But let’s not get carried away by what happened in two snow-white states.

The math is simple: There aren’t enough white voters of any age to nominate, let alone elect, a President. A Democrat has to energize minority voters. Has to.

And there is a way to this year. Because African-American voters are angry about how Republicans have defied, disrespected and even tried to delegitimize President Obama. And Hispanic voters have seen the true colors, so to speak, of the Republican presidential candidates.

Now come Nevada and then South Carolina. Now comes a bit of color in the picture.

Let’s see if they feel the Bern.


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Gary Pearce

