W stands for War

South Carolinians love a good war. The Swamp Fox bedeviled the British in the Revolution. The Civil War started in South Carolina. The place has more military bases than most countries.

So how is it that South Carolina Republicans may vote for Donald Trump, who blasted George W. Bush over the war in Iraq while W was campaigning in state for Jeb?

Trump even charged that W turned Iraq into “Harvard for terrorists.”

A Trump win in Saturday’s primary would be a clear sign that the GOP Establishment has lose control of the car.

And it would be a rebuke to all the war-hawk Republicans who want to send American men and women into another war in the Middle East.


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Gary Pearce



W stands for War

South Carolinians love a good war. The Swamp Fox bedeviled the British in the Revolution. The Civil War started in South Carolina. The place has more military bases than most countries.

So how is it that South Carolina Republicans may vote for Donald Trump, who blasted George W. Bush over the war in Iraq while W was campaigning in state for Jeb?

Trump even charged that W turned Iraq into “Harvard for terrorists.”

A Trump win in Saturday’s primary would be a clear sign that the GOP Establishment has lose control of the car.

And it would be a rebuke to all the war-hawk Republicans who want to send American men and women into another war in the Middle East.


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Gary Pearce

